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essex / suffolk meet.
Craig81 - 16/7/07 at 04:36 PM

hi all,

we must be due for another tyre kicking session somewhere in the essex suffolk area. The one we had at barton mills in the spring had a good turn out.

Any ideas????


David Jenkins - 16/7/07 at 05:17 PM

The Mount Bures venue is getting popular - decent pub, accessible from many parts of Suffolk & Essex. big car park.

Just watch out for the hump-back bridge when approaching from the south! (ask RazMan about that...)

RazMan - 16/7/07 at 06:29 PM

I thought my ears were burning

Yep, Thatchers Arms is a good venue - let's make it soon!

tankerman24 - 16/7/07 at 07:12 PM

Im hoping to make the next one, bloody weather, hope summer arrives soon.

rusty nuts - 16/7/07 at 07:19 PM

If the weather is OK I may be there!

BKLOCO - 16/7/07 at 07:40 PM

Please not this week.... I'm on lates again... and I've got a bloody awfull summer cold as well....

rusty nuts - 16/7/07 at 07:55 PM

How about a sunday meet?

Ferg - 16/7/07 at 07:55 PM

Next week then?

Danozeman - 16/7/07 at 08:07 PM

I should be there in me tin top this time. Havent been able to make any yet.

David Jenkins - 16/7/07 at 08:09 PM

Friday or Sunday - don't mind either (although I can stay longer on the Sunday.)

Just don't pick this Friday, as I'm otherwise booked.

Craig81 - 17/7/07 at 04:34 PM

how about this sunday then which is the 22nd if the rain ever stops!!!!.

hello David, how far are we talking from the newmarket area

David Jenkins - 17/7/07 at 06:23 PM

Originally posted by Craig81
how far are we talking from the newmarket area


But you could use your favourite map program to find out!

The Thatchers Arms
Mount Bures, Bures, Suffolk CO8 5AT

blockhead_rich - 17/7/07 at 08:16 PM

Not too sure if I'll be making it as my wife is in the General after having a stroke

Anyone know how long to expect the recovery to be?


x_flow57 - 17/7/07 at 09:40 PM

Unfortunately I'm working so unless we are talking Sunday eve I won't be able to make it.

David Jenkins - 18/7/07 at 08:36 AM

I've just remembered that I can't make Sunday either...

BKLOCO - 18/7/07 at 04:33 PM

I can't make this Sun either.
Any night next week would be good or following Sun.

Gaz 1977 - 18/7/07 at 04:54 PM

any night after tuesday is good for us.

rusty nuts - 22/7/07 at 06:50 PM

How about the 29th??

RazMan - 22/7/07 at 09:50 PM

29th's good for me

David Jenkins - 23/7/07 at 03:12 PM

I can give a definite "maybe"...

Danozeman - 25/7/07 at 08:37 AM

Ill be a maybe.

What time are we talking? I have a couple of things to do..

David Jenkins - 28/7/07 at 12:10 PM

So... is anyone going to Mt Bures tomorrow?

If so, what time?

Weather permitting, of course!

[Edited on 28/7/07 by David Jenkins]

rusty nuts - 28/7/07 at 12:47 PM

Weather permitting ? about 11am? Probably not going if its tipping down though

David Jenkins - 28/7/07 at 12:58 PM

Pub won't be open until 12:00... I might be there a bit closer to 11:45!

Again, if it is raining, very likely to rain, or has been peeing down all night and the roads are soaked, then I won't be there!

RazMan - 28/7/07 at 02:13 PM

I'll be there ..... with my roof
12 o'clock sounds good

[Edited on 28-7-07 by RazMan]

Ferg - 28/7/07 at 03:48 PM

Sorry. I have a prior engagement in Little Hallingbury.
Next time....

David Jenkins - 29/7/07 at 02:03 PM

Well, 2 cars made it...

Me and mine, Razman + missus in his...

Nice day for a drive, too...

Maybe next time.


rusty nuts - 29/7/07 at 02:42 PM

Sorry I couldn't make it. Started car and alternator warning light was on although it was charging . Looked at the sky and thought it safer not to go . See you next time.

David Jenkins - 29/7/07 at 05:21 PM

No worries - it was a nice day for a drive anyway.

Hope the electrics problem isn't anything important...

rusty nuts - 29/7/07 at 06:08 PM

Suspect it's just the alternator playing up , will try a new one with possibly a heatshield . Should be back on the road tomorrow.

RazMan - 29/7/07 at 09:41 PM

'twas a tad quiet wasn't it - just the two of us and some tumbleweed .........

Ah well there's always next time

[Edited on 29-7-07 by RazMan]

blockhead_rich - 30/7/07 at 07:53 AM

I drove around the car park @ 1 pm but carried on with the drive seeing as no one was there

Let's hope we can get more next time


David Jenkins - 30/7/07 at 07:56 AM

Must have missed each other by just a few minutes!

rusty nuts - 30/7/07 at 06:15 PM

Now " summer" is here how about organising things a little earlier?

David Jenkins - 30/7/07 at 06:30 PM

"Earlier" as in "earlier in the morning"?

Or "earlier" as in "start arranging the meet earlier"?

RazMan - 30/7/07 at 06:48 PM

Erm ... any earlier and I don't get a pint!

rusty nuts - 30/7/07 at 06:56 PM

Option 2?

David Jenkins - 30/7/07 at 06:58 PM