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NFKCC - next meet?
nick205 - 30/8/07 at 08:59 AM

Anyone know when the next Cadnam/John Barleycorn meet is planned for?


chrsgrain - 30/8/07 at 09:02 AM

Looking forward to it - whenever it is! Moving to Southampton TOMORROW!!!


nick205 - 30/8/07 at 11:52 AM


Did you manage to sort out transport to get your car moved down here?


chrsgrain - 30/8/07 at 12:43 PM

Yep - got a guy taking both cars down in a week or two thanks...


nick205 - 30/8/07 at 01:37 PM

good news!

cryoman1965 - 30/8/07 at 02:22 PM

Tuesday 11th September.

It is always the second Tuesday of the Month.


nick205 - 30/8/07 at 03:31 PM

great - for some reason I had it in my mind as the 1st Tuesday.

SALAD - 30/8/07 at 06:14 PM

Chris, will your Dax be down in time?
I would really like to check it out

chrsgrain - 30/8/07 at 06:35 PM

It may be physically down, but won't be at the meet as haven't got my SVA until the following week.... The dates for the transport down are flexible (and therefore cheap!) so can't even guarantee it will be in Soton - but if it is you're most welcome to pop round for a look.


SALAD - 30/8/07 at 07:26 PM

That would be excellent.....keep me posted.