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New Forest Kit Car Meet
cryoman1965 - 10/12/07 at 09:31 PM

Club meets tomorrow. 1930 hrs @ the Sir John BarleyCorn, Cadnam.

All welcome. A table is booked for 1930 if you wish to eat.

Cheers Nige

nick205 - 11/12/07 at 12:20 PM

can't make it tonight

But took the Indy to work today

SALAD - 11/12/07 at 07:50 PM

Not going to make this one either!
I haven't done anything on the car for a few months since starting a new job at Beaulieu in the events department.......which brings me nicely on to the idea I had of holding a kit-car rally/meet at Beaulieu. It would give me a good opportunity to organise an event and learn the processes involved.

I will get some ideas together before I throw it out there to one and all, then we can all discuss agendas etc.

Kind Regards,