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Teesside Autodrome Trackday 21st April 08
petrolhead - 28/2/08 at 08:43 AM

Mike and I would like to announce this year's spring trackday to take place Monday 21st April.

This will be the usual format of open pit and will include lunch.

So its time to finish those winter fettling jobs, get those engines run in and warmers off the tyres and come and have some track day fun including most excellent banter and hopefully some sunshine

Cost is the same as last year at £85 per car (£25 per additional driver) and this assumes we get 30 cars. Obviously if we have a deficit there may be a modest increase

Ok to the important bit.

If you want to attend please do the following:

We need a deposit of £20 paying into the following account by 14th March:

Mr P Ellis
Good point re bank details. Email me for them and then re-email when deposit made (do not use u2u as I never check it)
You must also put TRACKXX (XX being your initials) as the reference.

Also you need to send me an email ( with APRIL TRACKDAY in the subject and confirm when the payment was made and from which bank or building society. This way we should be able to keep track of payments and who they are from. Also can you include the make/model of the car you will be using and a telephone number please

If you want additional drivers please also mention this in the email.

Once we have deposits we will then ask for the remaining payment including any additional drivers


[Edited on 29/2/08 by petrolhead]

[Edited on 1/3/08 by petrolhead]

mookaloid - 28/2/08 at 09:27 AM

Wish I had a car to bring - no car at the moment

Guinness - 28/2/08 at 09:48 AM

Yey! I'm in!

Whooo hooo.

Just got to organise a meeting for that day now!?


ash_hammond - 28/2/08 at 04:31 PM

Hi Petrolhead,

I would remove you bank details from the forum since unregistered users can read this forum.

Did you not hear about what happened to Jeremy Clarkson when he posted his bank details.

I would hate to have to make a direct debit out to the Ash Hammond Foundation.


Best to be on the safe side......

Krismc - 28/2/08 at 05:19 PM

...Deposit payed!!!!

Andy D - 28/2/08 at 06:19 PM

Me too.

oioi - 28/2/08 at 07:51 PM

better order some new tyres at c&s for lunch time

Guinness - 28/2/08 at 08:26 PM

Good point Mike, bulk buy??


petrolhead - 28/2/08 at 09:05 PM

Cheers Ash for the heads up.

I just was not thinking as I thought it was a good idea at the time

So far I have 6 people interested but its still early days

[Edited on 28/2/08 by petrolhead]

PAUL FISHER - 28/2/08 at 10:31 PM

Deposit payed

Andy D - 1/3/08 at 10:12 AM


Wadders - 1/3/08 at 04:51 PM

Hi Peter
please check your u2u, need to know your bank details.


petrolhead - 1/3/08 at 05:33 PM

Anyone know who J G Dickinson is.

He has very kindly deposited £20 but I have no email from him and will just assume some kind person has given me some beer money unless I hear otherwise

BTW Please DO NOT sent u2u to contact me re the track day. You MUST email me as I never check the u2u

[Edited on 1/3/08 by petrolhead]

petrolhead - 4/3/08 at 09:47 AM

Originally posted by petrolhead
Anyone know who J G Dickinson is.

He has very kindly deposited £20 but I have no email from him and will just assume some kind person has given me some beer money unless I hear otherwise
Dam, he has come forward

Krismc - 5/3/08 at 05:54 PM

Originally posted by petrolhead
Originally posted by petrolhead
Anyone know who J G Dickinson is.

He has very kindly deposited £20 but I have no email from him and will just assume some kind person has given me some beer money unless I hear otherwise
Dam, he has come forward

ha ha...did you get my cash mate!

petrolhead - 6/3/08 at 02:30 PM

ha ha...did you get my cash mate!

I did and I have spent it all

Places still available

oioi - 6/3/08 at 07:27 PM

So far peter has had a very disappointing response to this.

Are people just not interested anymore? Wandering whether to cancel or make this the last one? Shame as peter and I always really enjoy it, but hiring a track for the two of us gets kind of expensive, and we would miss the banter :-(

If your thinking of coming speak now before its too late and weve cancelled it.


Hellfire - 6/3/08 at 08:12 PM

Another one interested here.


PAUL FISHER - 6/3/08 at 08:47 PM

Go on Phil, you no you want too.

Hellfire - 6/3/08 at 09:48 PM

Definitely be going, just waiting to find out if Steve is coming as well.


Hellfire - 6/3/08 at 11:50 PM

Yes I am.... ust need to get my gaffer to sanction the day off - I'll have just come back off holiday!


Krismc - 7/3/08 at 09:19 PM

how many do we need to make it feesable!!!

petrolhead - 8/3/08 at 10:39 AM

At £85 each we need 30 inc Mike and I

petrolhead - 10/3/08 at 05:26 PM

we currently have 23 so places still available

petrolhead - 12/3/08 at 09:53 AM


:{THC}:YosamiteSam - 13/3/08 at 10:46 AM

wish i could make it again mike but cars still waiting of bits - exhaust, fuel tank, ecu, coolant hoses to start with!! lol - not gonna be ready on time defo.. if anyones never been to teesside autodrome - i would recommend it - its a great track - tight n twisty and perfectly suited to se7en type cars.. there is a good cafe on site with a great view of the whole track and you get ALL day open pit lane great fomat for a great price..

Wadders - 13/3/08 at 08:49 PM

I'm in , can't believe its not oversubscribed, flippin fantastic track for se7ens
and a good crack too. come on you ditherers, get signed up, you won't regret it.


petrolhead - 17/3/08 at 11:14 PM

Originally posted by Wadders
I'm in , can't believe its not oversubscribed, flippin fantastic track for se7ens
and a good crack too. come on you ditherers, get signed up, you won't regret it.


Maybe the novilty is wearing off?


[Edited on 17/3/08 by petrolhead]

petrolhead - 18/3/08 at 09:30 PM

Just in case your wondering the trackday is going ahead

I will be asking for balace payment next week

petrolhead - 25/3/08 at 06:33 PM

Final payment requests sent

gingerprince - 27/3/08 at 01:47 PM

I'm in too now, woo Just need to put the rest of the car back together in time!

petrolhead - 28/3/08 at 12:48 PM

Originally posted by gingerprince
I'm in too now, woo Just need to put the rest of the car back together in time!

Just making sure I have you on the list, whats your name please?

petrolhead - 28/3/08 at 12:51 PM

Ok, its happened again

Some very kind person has deposited £85 into my accound but I have not had an eamil from then and don't know who they are.

The Name is P M Lawrence so if anyone knows him let me know and ask then to send me an email otherwise the money is going into the beer account

DarrenW - 28/3/08 at 10:34 PM

Will you make it Mr. Petrolhead?

Im sorry to hear about your battle scars, luckily the pics dont look too bad. Fingers crossed for a speedy and easy repair.

gingerprince - 29/3/08 at 04:07 PM

<= Simon Hargrave - you have my money, you got it the same day I wired it

petrolhead - 1/4/08 at 03:22 PM

Originally posted by gingerprince
<= Simon Hargrave - you have my money, you got it the same day I wired it

Stupid name

[Edited on 1/4/08 by petrolhead]

petrolhead - 1/4/08 at 03:24 PM

Originally posted by DarrenW
Will you make it Mr. Petrolhead?

Im sorry to hear about your battle scars, luckily the pics dont look too bad. Fingers crossed for a speedy and easy repair.

Probably not in the car so will be bringing the camera gear and taking photos

Coose - 1/4/08 at 03:25 PM

I may have a chug up on my bike if the weather holds out!

petrolhead - 2/4/08 at 12:34 PM

Would be good to see you

brynhamlet - 3/4/08 at 09:11 PM

What time do you jack it in. I work about 30 minutes away, never been to a trackday and wouldn't mind popping down for the last hour just to see what goes on.

Guinness - 4/4/08 at 05:04 PM

I think the track is normally open from 9.00 am until lunchtime, usually an hour between 12.00 pm and 1.00 pm, then open again until 5.00 pm.

However by the end of the day mechanical incidents / lack of tyres / fuel / driver fatigue tends to make the track a lot quieter. Add that to the fact that no-one who's driven their car their wants to leave the track at 5.00pm straight into rush hour traffic.

Not wanting to put you off, but just warning that it might not be very interesting late on in the day. Could you sort out an extended lunch? or a meeting with a client in the area?



Krismc - 7/4/08 at 02:22 PM

Ive payed my deposit, assuming that DVLA /VOSA would re-test my car well over 3 weeks ago but My car has been held back @ sva due to paper work errors(not my error) so i cant make it, gutted

will there be enough to take my place??? how many are going?? if there isnt enough i can try to donate my place to some one who cant pay the full wack

Guinness - 8/4/08 at 06:22 PM

Kris, you don't need a reg plate / MAC / sva pass to play at Teesside!

But I guess trailering there and back might be a pain!


Krismc - 9/4/08 at 08:27 PM

especially when i dont have a tow bar, tow vehicle or a trailer. and its about 800mile trip


owelly - 11/4/08 at 09:52 AM

I may risk a trip in the Plastic car. Just to see if it will make it 45 miles without falling to bits.

petrolhead - 13/4/08 at 10:27 PM

Final instructions emailed out

petrolhead - 16/4/08 at 07:00 PM

James O'Brien a fellow Westie guy has had to drop out due to engine problems so if anyone want his place please contact him (jefobrien at If someone does, would they let me know as well please

Andy D - 21/4/08 at 09:08 PM

Had a cracking day today, weather was very kind to us, even got quite warm..nice to meet a few L/B bods from here. Have loads of video, will get son Pete, to stick some together in the next day or so..

Didn't take many pics, bur here's a few.

DarrenW - 21/4/08 at 09:17 PM

Im pleased you all had a good day.

I hear Hellfire suffered on off - hope its not too bad.

Andy D - 21/4/08 at 09:27 PM

Originally posted by DarrenW
Im pleased you all had a good day.

I hear Hellfire suffered on off - hope its not too bad.

I'll let them disclose the details, not huge damage as far as I know.. Bad luck boys.

Pete's also suffered Zetec probs, the engine is seized tighter than a very tightly siezed engine!! more

DarrenW - 21/4/08 at 09:40 PM

Aww bugger - thats not what he needs. Is his block fairly std or was it a bit special?

Hope its not too expensive.

petrolhead - 21/4/08 at 09:46 PM

Hope you all enjoyed yourselves. Although car less I also had fun as it gave me more time to talk to people.

Here are my photos ( which were taken after lunch, sorry I did not get everyone but I feel sure either Ian Hardy or Geoff Hubbert will have. I wil post links to their photos once I have them

Andy D - 21/4/08 at 09:46 PM

Originally posted by DarrenW
Aww bugger - thats not what he needs. Is his block fairly std or was it a bit special?

Hope its not too expensive.

To be honest Darren, I'm not sure. I think it's probably a standard bottom end, with arp bolts, and balanced. The cheap solution would be a second hand block, and plonk his head on it, limiting the revs to a more sane 7K, but I think he'll probably want to return the motor to it's original spec...

Andy D - 21/4/08 at 09:56 PM

That's me pretending I drive a BEC with no reverse! or......maybe the throttle cable came undone.

DarrenW - 21/4/08 at 10:05 PM

I geddit - you 2 buggers were racing werent you???? Come on 'fess up - ill not tell anyone, honest

You are probs right about his bottom end. Are the rod bolts re-useable? Should be possible to get std 2.0 engine for reasonable cost and the 2.0 cams will be useful for someone with 1.8. I somehow think he will take opportunity to guarantee the 220bhp he is searching for.

Andy D - 21/4/08 at 10:12 PM

Originally posted by DarrenW
I geddit - you 2 buggers were racing werent you???? Come on 'fess up - ill not tell anyone, honest

You are probs right about his bottom end. Are the rod bolts re-useable? Should be possible to get std 2.0 engine for reasonable cost and the 2.0 cams will be useful for someone with 1.8. I somehow think he will take opportunity to guarantee the 220bhp he is searching for.

I had a brief go at sticking with him, and surprisingly there wasn't much in it down the straight and the "big" corner, but I couldn't stay with him round the twiddly bits. I know how that car goes, having driven it at Rockingham, it is very nimble in tight twisty corner situations!

We'll get the engine out and give it a good looking at, then decide what is to be done. sigh!

petrolhead - 22/4/08 at 11:59 AM

here and here are the photos from Ian and Geoff, many,many more than I took

PAUL FISHER - 22/4/08 at 12:55 PM

Great track day,thanks to Peter for sorting it all out,very good value for money,and a well run day,Its a difficult track to learn,only just got up to some sort of speed towards the end of the day,,looking through the afternoons video,I was lapping at best 50 and a average 51 seconds,so realy could do with another day to get to grips with it,on slicks next time,Its very hard work on your arms,and that was without my slicks fitted,its all corners you never have chance to rest,now I know how unfit I am,good to meet a few more locostbuilders,I had the video fitted in the afternoon,I will post a few video's. Rescued attachment teesside1.jpg
Rescued attachment teesside1.jpg

grahamgg - 22/4/08 at 06:38 PM

here's some more pics .





coozer - 22/4/08 at 07:03 PM

Wahooooo! What a hoot, first time out for my car, had a great time...

Roll on the next on

Guinness - 22/4/08 at 07:46 PM

Yup, another great day at a "site meeting"

I only managed a few photo's.
boro trackday 4
boro trackday 4




Andy D - 22/4/08 at 11:10 PM

Here's a hastily put together bit of video. Stick with it to the end to witness the red arrows style bomb burst manoeuvre!

Smoke on!

petrolhead - 23/4/08 at 08:51 AM

Brilliant, recognised the thumb

I was just waiting for that to happen

petrolhead - 23/4/08 at 08:51 AM

Pics now on the ne7ers gallery

gingerprince - 23/4/08 at 10:49 AM

Originally posted by chris mason
is that a new exhaust system on Sy's car or has he just painted it?

Nah, just a winter lick of silver paint Looks better than rusty steel but will have to see how it copes over time. Used a brush-on POR-20 high temp exhaust paint so will see if it lasts any better than the spray on black VHT I used last time.

Had a great time once again so thanks to Pete/Mike for organising. New Kliktronic shifter was fun (and my ghetto-paddles worked a charm!), but still needs a bit of tweaking - shifting was fine with clutch, but clutchless upshifts were hit and miss - that needs sorting before I fit the Techtronics ignition cut unit!

Oh and once again I lost a bit of bodywork This time it was a front wing! They were bolted on with new bolts after I'd painted my wing stays over the winter. Had temporarily fastened them with normal nuts and had planned to replace with nylocs before driving. Bought the nylocs but forgot to use them after all the other little jobs I had to do - still, at least I get to keep my reputation

Big shame about Hellfire too Not great to see anyone dink their P&J like that, but again at least no one was hurt. I'll drink to a swift recovery!

Hellfire - 23/4/08 at 11:26 AM

Last run of the day. I wasn't going to bother but decided to take it for one last blast. Big mistake but sh!t happens

I lost the back end and unfortunately on a part of the track that had no run-off. I had no time to correct it (even if I did have the skill) and shunted the tyre wall which ultimately snapped the steering rack from it's mounts, bent the N/S lower bottom wishbone and damaged the nosecone.

Fortunately there were no injuries (other than to my pride). We were having issues with the handling all day which needed looking at. Guess we'll just be looking at, and correcting them a bit sooner than planned.

It'll be back on the road/track in a few weeks with some slight modifications and a few new bits.

Despite the slight mishap it was a great day, so a big thanks to Peter and everyone else who attended for making it so much fun. I'm sure we'll get some video up shortly.


Andy D - 23/4/08 at 11:54 AM

Originally posted by Hellfire
Last run of the day. I wasn't going to bother but decided to take it for one last blast. Big mistake but sh!t happens

I lost the back end and unfortunately on a part of the track that had no run-off. I had no time to correct it (even if I did have the skill) and shunted the tyre wall which ultimately snapped the steering rack from it's mounts, bent the N/S lower bottom wishbone and damaged the nosecone.

Fortunately there were no injuries (other than to my pride). We were having issues with the handling all day which needed looking at. Guess we'll just be looking at, and correcting them a bit sooner than planned.

It'll be back on the road/track in a few weeks with some slight modifications and a few new bits.

Despite the slight mishap it was a great day, so a big thanks to Peter and everyone else who attended for making it so much fun. I'm sure we'll get some video up shortly.


Yep, it's always just the last one when it happens! Felt gutted for you, as I was right behind when you went off. The back end of your car did look very "bouncy", and it occasionally kicked a rear wheel in the air when you turned into a bend. Looked like the front was sprung too soft, or the rear too hard, or a bit of both... I've a fair bit of video footage if you want it for analysis, right up to when you went off. Doesn't show the impact, just losing the back end, and disapearing off to the left.

Hope you get it sorted soon.

gingerprince - 23/4/08 at 12:30 PM

Originally posted by Hellfire
It'll be back on the road/track in a few weeks with some slight modifications and a few new bits.

Cool. I take it the chassis looked OK when you got the nose off then?

Hellfire - 23/4/08 at 12:37 PM

Andy, you have U2U.


petrolhead - 23/4/08 at 12:53 PM

Message from Ian Hardy re the photos he took at the trackday:

If anydy want prints I will do them at 50% discount on these prices

(Excluding the 30x20 poster and calendars.) At track days I normally do CD's with 8-10 full res images on for £25.00 so they will also be half price but people would have to email me because if they use the online ordering I can't discount the prices.

[Edited on 23/4/08 by petrolhead]

PAUL FISHER - 23/4/08 at 10:49 PM

Originally posted by Andy D
Here's a hastily put together bit of video. Stick with it to the end to witness the red arrows style bomb burst manoeuvre!

Smoke on!

Nice video Andy keep the coming,that was the old man Keith driving the Hellfire car,I just hope I will be able to drive like that when I am a pensioner,although some people would say I drive like a pensioner now,gutted for team Hellfire though,been there done that,so I know how they feel,I know they will soon be back on the track though,meaner and leaner,and a bit less bouncey,and maybe a set of slicks for next time,to be fair to Phil,his incident,I believe his main problem was on that track the R888 were like chewing gum after 3 laps

Guinness - 24/4/08 at 06:47 AM

Keith is a star!

I can second Paul's comment about the R888's on that track. I got very little grip at all from them during the first lap and a half. By the time I'd come out of the complex a second time, they were fine. Then after about 5-6 more laps they just "went off". All of a sudden you get loads of slip, like there is oil / water on the circuit.

I don't think it's a problem with the R888's themselves, just that the track is so tight and twisty, the tyres have a lot of work to do. Added to the fact that we all seemed to be doing a bit of drifting round the final big turn!

Hope Team Hellfire get their modifications done OK.


Andy D - 24/4/08 at 10:02 AM

Have about one and a half hours of footage from the day, so may get some more on youtube sometime.
Re the grip situation, my slicks were behaving much the same as others. A couple of laps to get them warm, OK for a handfull more, then lost grip, particularly on the fronts. Locked up a couple of times into the chicane, and had to straight line it over the hump. Left some pretty impressive skid marks! (On the track too! ) I eventually got round to looking at the pressures in the afternoon, they were far too high when hot, so dropped them down, and it made an improvement.
I always go these events intending to have a play with tyre pressures, shock setting etc, but usually just end up driving the tits off it!!

PAUL FISHER - 24/4/08 at 10:15 AM

Yes Andy grip on the track was poo,it most likely has something to do with it being a kart track,two stroke karts throw out a fine oil mist,they may well have had a kart meeting over the weekend,also they use it for a drift circuit,that can't help the grip.

Andy D - 24/4/08 at 10:45 AM

Originally posted by PAUL FISHER
Yes Andy grip on the track was poo,it most likely has something to do with it being a kart track,two stroke karts throw out a fine oil mist,they may well have had a kart meeting over the weekend,also they use it for a drift circuit,that can't help the grip.

So, would you do another day there? I think Peter (organiser) is having doubts about getting the required numbers for another one. I really like the place, not sure if the grip on the day was less than previous visits or not.. Still found it loads of fun, sliding around. At £85 for the day, I reckon it's very good value?? Chips too!

PAUL FISHER - 24/4/08 at 10:58 AM

Yes I would go back,now Ive looked at my video's,I want to go back next week,its a tricky little circuit,it will take me a few more days at least to get to grips with it,you can put me down for the next one anyway

Hellfire - 24/4/08 at 11:12 AM

We'd like to go back to Tesside after we've done the repairs and made a few mods (in a month or so), if only to do some testing and see what effect they have.


PAUL FISHER - 24/4/08 at 11:24 AM

Thats the spirit Phil,I know when I had my little off at Cadwell,the 1st circuit I went back too was Cadwell,just to show it who's boss and if you don't spin off a few times your not trying

petrolhead - 24/4/08 at 07:29 PM

Brian (Green with yellow roll cage Caterham) let me vent my frustration and gave me a shot in his car.

He is running CR500s and I fould they were excellent, loads on front end grip (unlike the R500) and very controllable on the throttle.

I think its very easy to verheat the tyres at Teeside having done so with slicks

oioi - 24/4/08 at 08:23 PM

im sure peter and I will org another day there. just not sure it will be any time too soon.

for some reason when weve done a trackday in april its always been full, but later in the year (october ish) its been a bugger to fill. plus bob was muttering about pushing the prices up. note the increase in elsies to make sure that we ran it

if we had greater confidence in the numbers then we would definately do more as we both reall enjoy them.

Coose - 24/4/08 at 08:54 PM

I never had an major grip problems at Teesside with 888s in the past - maybe the track temp was lower than usual?

Monday was the first time I have had a glimmer of regret at selling the Striker....