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Yorkshire poem
chrisg - 6/7/08 at 09:12 PM

The second wednesday of the month has come again,

We've been meeting at Ackworth since I don't know when.

There'll be cars and drivers all around, some of them are tossers, but some of them are sound

It's at the Angel inn, in the usual place, get your car out - show your face.

7.30 pm is the time that we meet, if you could make it for then that would be sweet.

Come along - it'll be the best by far, you can take the p*ss out of Steve and his flying car.


*Me? Fail english that's unpossible!!*

I couldn't find a rhyme for 500 yards from the roundabout at the junction of the A628/A638 towards Wakefield, but that's where it is!

austin man - 6/7/08 at 09:23 PM

well Ill pass this on to a few of the tossers then

chrisg - 6/7/08 at 09:52 PM

Good man

Difficult to tell who's who isn't it!



indykid - 6/7/08 at 10:12 PM

i'd imagine either group think the other ones are tossers, so maybe we're all tossers, or maybe we all know who the tossers are at heart.

whichever way it is, i was very impressed by your poem chris and i shall be in attendance


chrisg - 7/7/08 at 10:24 AM

Tossers in a good way, of course



andyps - 8/7/08 at 06:41 PM

Difficult choice for tomorrow evening:

Set off to Le Mans for the classic or go to The Angel. Le Mans or The Angel, Le Mans or The Angel.

Oh, sod it, The Angel is closer. No, second thoughts, sorry Chris, even with the poem I think I might just set off for Le Mans instead!

See you in September (I'm away in August too!)

chrisg - 9/7/08 at 04:31 PM

It's tonight - and it's pissing down here.

I'll probably be in the Presidential Volvo, unless it stops before 7.


