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Motorshow ExCeL London Anyone been?
ReMan - 1/8/08 at 06:47 PM

As title, got the free tickets, is it worh the money/petrol to get there?

BenB - 1/8/08 at 06:51 PM

Nah. Give 'em to me instead

I've been a couple of times and thoroughly enjoyed it....

hobzy - 1/8/08 at 08:52 PM

Went yesterday and thought it was a bit naff really, compared to MPH. The stalls part is like being at a glorified car bootsale and unless your after a new car they wont let you in half the motors. All the tasty stuff is cordoned off.

HOWEVER, if you are prepared to wait about you can get in closer, and some stands are pretty good. Lotus was excellent and so was Honda.

I have it on good authority from an Excel employee that all the good cars are shipped out after the press days and clean/untouchable ones put in instead.

And pie, mash and mushy peas for 7 quid

On the plus side the scenery was excellent if you get my drift

Ooh almost forgot - this Aspid was there. Took pics specifically for you lot

Interesting double thin discs - new one on me...

[Edited on 1/8/08 by hobzy]

paul the 6th - 1/8/08 at 09:29 PM

twin discs? Motorcycle inspired? very very very cool looking motor!

I went down to the motorshow '06 and was impressed. It's a bit of a sales pitch really - like most shows, if you're buying then you get a good deal, but for the rest of us it's just a day to wander round looking at motor's we'll probably never be able to afford.

Come to think of it, got some pics here (don't ask about the main site, still under construction from two years ago when I was still deciding what to do with my life lol)...

Being in london the food and drinks are expensive, access is good since the docklands light railway drops you off right outside, and i think there's parking too. Bit of a treck just to go for the show itself, but if you make a bit of a trip out of it and stay in central london it's worth it

hobzy - 1/8/08 at 11:21 PM

More photos of the exotica here:

ReMan - 2/8/08 at 09:43 AM

OK , a change of plans and finances and next weeks show means we are'nt going after all.
If anyone wants my tickets they can have them, they were free anyway.
So as long as you can reprint a set, which the website seems to be letting me do, then as long as you're a seasoned Locostbuilder I'll trust you with my details which you will need by U2U

SeaBass - 2/8/08 at 10:50 AM

mmm. Aspid has alloy wishbones... Nice but I think I'll stick to steel. I doubt it's had proper belgian pave tests done as it's such a low volume vehicle.


hobzy - 2/8/08 at 03:13 PM

Linky: Its spanish...

motivation cars - 4/8/08 at 10:56 AM

just got back from the motorshow that was two weeks of hard work

Rod Ends - 12/11/08 at 07:42 PM

So it’s not just a tarted-up, overpriced Spanish Caterham then?

a hand-welded aluminium space frame weighing just 55kg,
onto which aerospace-grade aluminium honeycomb plates are bonded for added strength and FIA-spec crash protection.