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New Forest Meet
cryoman1965 - 7/9/08 at 07:56 PM

New Forest Kitcar Club Meets on Tuesday 9th September. 1930hrs @ Sir Johnbarleycorn J1 M27.
See you there.


peterparsons - 8/9/08 at 09:26 AM

Bugger, I'm on a night shift again

The build is almost complete and thinking of the SVA soon

MK chippy - 9/9/08 at 04:35 PM

i shall be there! havent built anything yet but would be good to have a chat to anyone that goes down. Damn weather!!

MK chippy - 10/9/08 at 05:19 PM

just u

MK chippy - 10/9/08 at 05:41 PM

lol! Yeah was good to put faces to names. nah bike engine all the way! already ordered it. cant feckin wait!

corrado vr6 - 10/9/08 at 08:15 PM

yeah dito defintily good to put the names to the faces


We got home OK tho, which was a bonus

Glad u found your way back