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contributor status
westf27 - 17/7/09 at 01:50 PM

looks like max moseley has crept in the back door.Now not able to access some posts for 48 hours unless I pay the optional £5.00 minimum contribution.

cd.thomson - 17/7/09 at 01:52 PM

see here

my 2ps worth: odd the change wasn't announced. Like yesterday a bloke came into my office and started measuring the desks ready for the "move"

hmm, 4ps worth actually: also makes the site less good for contributors because the sales market is drastically reduced. By the time it becomes available to the stingy fellas itll definitely off the front page and probably off the front sales page too.

[Edited on 17/7/09 by cd.thomson]

Charlie_Zetec - 17/7/09 at 02:04 PM

I was always going to contribute, but looks like my time lag has reached it's pinnacle!

Paypal away....

balidey - 17/7/09 at 02:08 PM

As said I WILL be paying, its just I've been putting it off and putting it off. But it does seem a bit of black mail saying 'here, have this free forum, but pay for some privelages'. It won't put me off the site.

Its like those free porn sites that tempt you, then you have to pay to get the decent videos..... er hang on I didn't mean to write that

ChrisW - 17/7/09 at 02:10 PM

Originally posted by Macbeast
I would happily be a contributor but I do not and will not use PayPal and there doesn't seem to be any other way to do it.

You don't have to sign up to Paypal - they will let you do a one-time payment just by entering a credit/debit card number.

Alternative ways of contributing are in person - for example, beer, burgers, etc. I'll be at Uxbridge show this weekend if you want to take that option!


westf27 - 17/7/09 at 02:43 PM

Actually, I enjoy using this site and for five quid which I will put up the wall tonight its cheap.Sorry for the rant Chris W and thanks to everyone at LCB.I'll sort it shortly


spdpug98 - 17/7/09 at 02:57 PM

I paid my £5 when I went and collected my kit back in Jan; I had used the site prior to that for advice / recommendations

I thought that I had already had my £5 worth by that stage, then once I started building I got my full £5's worth!!!!!!!!

I know that I could have still got the advice and help without paying the fiver, but believe that without the site it would of cost me a LOT more in the long run

Just my 2p

[Edited on 17/7/09 by spdpug98]

speedyxjs - 17/7/09 at 03:28 PM

I started to se the site, realized how great it was and contributed after about my 10 post i think

jollygreengiant - 17/7/09 at 04:30 PM

Originally posted by ChrisW
Originally posted by Macbeast
I would happily be a contributor but I do not and will not use PayPal and there doesn't seem to be any other way to do it.

You don't have to sign up to Paypal - they will let you do a one-time payment just by entering a credit/debit card number.

Alternative ways of contributing are in person - for example, beer, burgers, etc. I'll be at Uxbridge show this weekend if you want to take that option!


Hi Chris, I note that you appeared at the Stoneleigh show, however I missed you. As I have said before (although I did set up a pay pal account so that I could bid on some rims I was after, I have not touched it since and paid cash on collection for the rims) I DON'T DO PAYPAL. I had hoped to catch you at one of the shows (as you are a Luego owner/builder) but so far to no avail. I won't be able to make Uxbridge this year mainly due to work commitments and my car being in bits again (shortening holed sump). So will you be going to the Stafford show???????? and supporting the Luego owners group?????. If so then I will be greasing your palm then with appropriate donation.

Unless you have some other form of receiving funds.

fazerruss - 17/7/09 at 04:38 PM

lcb is well worth it, not much more than kit car mag but not full of repeat articles (unless you include GTS )and useless sh1te! although not quite as portable as a mag at the mo cos my works PDA is knackered!.

SteveWalker - 17/7/09 at 06:15 PM

I have no problem with this, I've been meaning to contribute for ages, but have held off as I've been in dire financial straights - I know a fiver is not much, but my bank account has spent much of the year generating nothing but bank charges! Things are expected to improve in the next few weeks.

The only problem seems to be that when clicking on a link to a for sale item from the latest topics list, the usual notification screen comes up, but with the click here section missing, however there is no nice large explanation of why for anyone that does not know about the changes.

JoelP - 17/7/09 at 07:51 PM

i thought id mention that last year i fitted a kitchen for a guy who just got lucky and set up an IT company as it all boomed, he flogged it for millions. He had a house on the moors with a pool in his basement and a hot tub (on perminantly) on his balcony. And a HOT baby sitter. I feel this site is a similar brilliant achievement for chris but i doubt its made him millions, however, he definately deserves this guys house.

As soon as i have any money Chris, i'll send you some.