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boost - 26/7/04 at 06:00 PM

Im trying to upload a picture in to my photo archive but its not leting me do it

i put the address in (on my c: ) and name it. But it dose not go in to the archine

[Edited on 26/7/04 by boost]

mangogrooveworkshop - 26/7/04 at 06:06 PM

If its too big and you r on a dialup it will take ages.

macspeedy - 26/7/04 at 08:22 PM

if it to big this end won't take it

boost - 26/7/04 at 09:51 PM


boost - 26/7/04 at 09:55 PM

just tryed to put a small photo in and it will not take it? and iv got a 1.5M conection

JoelP - 27/7/04 at 07:31 AM

file type is relevant, save it as a jpeg. plus you cant have spaces in the filename if i remember correctly...

boost - 27/7/04 at 08:46 AM

BUGGER still wont work it is a jpeg and it only has letters in the name