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The Venom Project - 7/1/12 at 11:55 AM

Why Can't I do this?

blakep82 - 7/1/12 at 12:01 PM

you can't after its 48 hours old i think.

Benzine - 7/1/12 at 12:04 PM

so if someone goes mental it stays on display so we can all get our fix of schadenfreude

blakep82 - 7/1/12 at 12:07 PM

^ like clavinx! unfortunately, the change in editing posts happened after he did this...

iank - 7/1/12 at 12:38 PM

It's to stop vandalism (as said) if people throw their toys out of the pram.

I'm sure ChrisW would delete one or two if there's a good reason.

blakep82 - 7/1/12 at 12:48 PM

it stops posts making no sense after a few days too. if someone writes something, and someone comments on that reply, (without using the quote button) and the original comment gets deleted, it then doesn't make sense. everything (whether right or wrong) is useful to someone else on here somehow.

jollygreengiant - 7/1/12 at 12:59 PM

Originally posted by blakep82
it stops posts making no sense after a few days too. if someone writes something, and someone comments on that reply, (without using the quote button) and the original comment gets deleted, it then doesn't make sense. everything (whether right or wrong) is useful to someone else on here somehow.

Caterpillar silk.

MikeCapon - 7/1/12 at 01:07 PM


scootz - 7/1/12 at 01:18 PM

... a great big kangaroo!

RichardK - 7/1/12 at 01:22 PM

I think somebodies changed his mind about selling his beading tool

scudderfish - 7/1/12 at 02:50 PM

Well that's what she said anyway. It took some explaining to the priest.

iank - 7/1/12 at 04:14 PM

One on't cross beams gone owt askew on treddle.

Snuggs - 7/1/12 at 05:29 PM
