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editing pics
bikerush - 3/12/04 at 12:11 PM

hi all..
i am getting this in my pic section..

You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 's%20dax%20011.jpg'' at line 1

any ideas of how to fix?
i just loaded in 2 pics that are ok...
the others i want to delete etc.

[Edited on 3/12/04 by bikerush]

Petemate - 3/12/04 at 12:18 PM

Hi Dave
Why do you want to delete the others? We all want to see them!! I'll have to have words with you when I get home.....

Petemate - 3/12/04 at 12:29 PM

Dave - Just checked, the latest pics are on OK.

bikerush - 3/12/04 at 12:34 PM

i know but i want the others sorted

white130d - 3/12/04 at 12:36 PM

You picture files should not have any puctuation (like ', " .) except for the .jpg, and you should try to avoid spaces between words, us an underscore_for_the_ space.

near's dax 20011.jpg



easy peasy.


bikerush - 3/12/04 at 12:41 PM

thank you kind sir..
but prob i have at the moment is i can't delete them or edit them...
how can i delete the account and start again with a different name..

bikerush - 3/12/04 at 12:45 PM

david if i change the info for the pics at source ?

off to try..

ned - 3/12/04 at 12:55 PM

contact chrisw who runs this site. he'll be able to do things manually from the server end if need to be sort stuff out..


bikerush - 3/12/04 at 12:56 PM

yes will do
i did contact him a while back about this..
guess he must be busy..

ned - 3/12/04 at 01:19 PM

catch him on msn is the best way

white130d - 3/12/04 at 01:23 PM

Yes, change the picture names at the source and re-upload them.. To delete the others, well that is chrisw's job since they are buggered and won't allow you to do it.


bikerush - 3/12/04 at 01:34 PM

ok thanks i will ask chris to delete them all then start again...