I am trying to upload some more picture and it goes through the motions of downloading them.
Unfortunately the pictures displayed are then not even my pictures! And I have never seen them before on my computer.
What am I doing wrong?
i think this has been mentioned before if you use filenames that are common
try again with likely unique ones
Thanks that has helped, but not all pics are going across.
Getting this message
Sorry! is an unnsuported file type. Please email ChrisW if you believe it should be
They are all jpg taken at the same time.
You get that message if the file is too big.
File size is smaller than some of the others I have posted, so it is not size!
I often say that.........!
Little and often
Avoid long names spaces and only alphanumeric
I believe ChrisW recently reported that he'd had to increase forum server space to allow for more photo storage.
That aside the issues I've had are as above - filename uniqueness and file size. When both are sorted it seems to work faultlessly for me.