A heads up that we'll be migrating this site to a new server at some point this week. Expect some glitches.
Cheers for the notice
Thanks for the update and for your work on this
Ditto - thanks for the update and efforts with keeping this forum going!
We've moved! The things I've tested have all worked. Post any issues in this thread.
[Edited on 8/4/22 by _luke]
Certainly feels a little more spritely!
Indeed, feels a bit more responsive.
Good work!
only thing I noticed was, I had to log in again, thanks, and Well Done
Only thing I've noticed is the site seems to run a bit quicker.
I usually log in / out each time I post / reply so not seen an issue there.
In any case thanks again for the time and effort put into keeping LCB running and FREE (so many other sites & forums have started charging (and
lose my attention)).
The for sale section is no longer working.
If you can be a bit more specific about what's broken I'll get it sorted out.
Originally posted by 40inches
The for sale section is no longer working.
I did a longish test post in the for sale section and it worked - if you can explain what you're doing when it fails it would help as I don't use this forum regularly. thanks!
Originally posted by _luke
I did a longish test post in the for sale section and it worked - if you can explain what you're doing when it fails it would help as I don't use this forum regularly. thanks!
Originally posted by _luke
I did a longish test post in the for sale section and it worked - if you can explain what you're doing when it fails it would help as I don't use this forum regularly. thanks!
I've fixed a few old http redirects but there are no significant errors in the logs.
Still getting the same result - only the header is showing in preview.
in all threads?
Originally posted by _luke
in all threads?
There seems to still be some weirdness with the for sale section, there are multiple blank or photo only posts, and several posts with no headers
which can only be clicked by the blue arrow within the for sale section, they can't be clicked from the frontpage at all.
There are also a couple posts in other sections with the same problem, it appears preview is ok, but the text is disappearing once post is clicked.
I'm keen to help to fix this but at this stage I'm not able to reproduce a problem. If someone can help by describing exactly what they are
doing when this happens I'll have a better chance.
Right now there are no errors in the logs.
Originally posted by obfripper
There are also a couple posts in other sections with the same problem, it appears preview is ok, but the text is disappearing once post is clicked.
I get the same as David. Only the heading shows, no body. Same in U2U messages.
I can see you've edited the heading of one blank headed post, this is the other one.
Blank posts or replies, not all are in for sale section
It's just got me on the following post, using the same browser as usual, no other changed settings, and https enabled. The posted message
disappears on preview, and on posting, and can't be edited to appear either.
I will try to recall the message i posted in case there are any symbols etc that are messing with the bbcode etc.
It appears the degree symbol is what is blocking that post, i will try without.
[Edited on 25/4/22 by obfripper]
Current temperature is 12°C
^^^that should work now. It looks like any special character in the text would have triggered this.
[Edited on 25/4/22 by _luke]
This looks better now
Certainly looks back to normal now.
Yes, seems to be working for me now!
Thank you!
Excellent - I'll keep an eye on it for anything odd.
Thanks to all of you who have tried to point me in the right direction!
There may be some problems with the password reset email function in the following link:
Thanks - looks like it is working again now