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posting pictures
Fred W B - 10/3/05 at 11:37 AM

Okay Guys, I must admit I am battling to insert pictures into a post - I can get them into my archive.

Tried this:

You need to upload it to some of your own webspace or put it into the photo archive first. Then click on the 'image' button above where you type your post and paste in the URL of the image.


But I cant see an image button, so can someone please give me "the dummies guide to posting pictures" on LCB


Fred WB

[Edited on 10/3/05 by Fred W B]

ned - 10/3/05 at 11:48 AM


add an image to your photo archive

right click on that image (once in your archive) and get the url (http:// etc etc) copy that to clipboard (highlight, then edit -copy)

in a new post either type [img] (paste url here)[/img]

or use the insert picture button, it's next to the email button on the small toolbar above the text entry part in the 'formatting mode' section.

hope that makes sense..


[Edited on 10/3/05 by ned]

Fred W B - 10/3/05 at 02:25 PM

Image deleted by owner

Ah ha! thanks

Previous post made me smile with cats tail in pic. Anyone else like cats? Ours don't like welding!

[Edited on 10/3/05 by Fred W B]

barrie sharp - 10/3/05 at 02:33 PM

Unweld them then !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ned - 10/3/05 at 02:37 PM

ours don't like being awake much:




splitrivet - 10/3/05 at 02:53 PM

Previous post made me smile with cats tail in pic. Anyone else like cats?

[Edited on 10/3/05 by Fred W B]

Yes but I couldnt eat a whole one.

Mr G - 10/3/05 at 05:40 PM

I think cats are an excellent source of amusement.



[Edited on 10/3/05 by Mr G]

Danozeman - 12/3/05 at 11:13 AM

Mine are just wierd..

Image deleted by owner

Image deleted by owner

Excuse the ugly git in the first piccie..

blockhead_rich - 22/3/05 at 07:38 PM

How come when I try to attached an image on a post, it just displays the error message "page cannot be displayed" ?
Also can't seem to upload images to my archieve despit efollowing the directions above.

Billericay Thicky

ChrisGamlin - 25/3/05 at 11:17 AM

Are you logged in at the time? You already seem to have pictures in your archive so it must have worked at some point!

Not sure what you are trying to post, but it needs to be a picture hosted on the internet, not one on your local PC. Also make sure you are right clicking and selecting properties (not copy) and then selecting the URL shown in properties, highlight that and copy, then in your post, click the image button (4th from right) and paste - you should then paste in the link to the image and it should end with something like .jpg or.bmp etc (not .htm or .html)

[Edited on 25/3/05 by ChrisGamlin]

blockhead_rich - 25/3/05 at 06:38 PM

Chris thanks for your reply. Successfully loaded pictures into my archive, but despit following your advice can't seem to get them to come up in a posting. Look at my replies to my Allow Wheels for sale in the For Sale section. ANy idea as to what's occuring?

blockhead_rich - 25/3/05 at 06:39 PM


blockhead_rich - 25/3/05 at 06:45 PM

Sussed it as you can see. But now, how do you post reasonably sized photos?

flak monkey - 25/3/05 at 06:54 PM

Use photoshop or similar to resize the image (800 pixels wide is good)

Makes it much more friendly for those running in lower res!

ChrisGamlin - 25/3/05 at 11:02 PM

Yep, whatever size they are, thats what size they'll come out on here, so you need to resize them beforehand using Paint / Photoshop / Paintshop Pro etc. Also just in case you werent arare, save them as jpgs and not bitmaps as they are much more compressed and so smaller for everyone to download.

blockhead_rich - 26/3/05 at 06:12 AM

Thanks guys for your help, as you can see it was worthwhile!


jimgiblett - 21/3/06 at 11:48 AM

Fuel Tank 1
Fuel Tank 1

pjavon - 1/4/06 at 08:59 PM

been trying to get a pic under my name for ages and with your tips i've finally worked it out
P.S I know shes not a cat but she does sleep a lot just like some in the pics

jimmyjoebob - 12/4/06 at 05:34 PM

You are right, it does work! I shall now forget how to do this and have to look here every time!

[Edited on 12/4/06 by jimmyjoebob]

grahamgg - 16/6/06 at 11:50 AM



JoelP - 18/6/06 at 08:15 PM

that last one would've worked but the final img tab should be [/img] rather than [img]

ps, the picture isnt worksafe, you wont be thanked if you use it as an avatar!

cadebytiger - 20/4/07 at 12:26 PM

ok testing


dazdcfc - 21/5/07 at 06:35 PM


David Jenkins - 25/5/07 at 08:25 AM

I don't seem to be able to upload any pictures at all at the moment!

The 'new topic' edit screen doesn't show an 'attach picture' option, and when I try to upload a small image to my picture area I get a 'nil return' - blank screen and nothing uploaded. I have successfully posted pictures before, so this is a new 'feature'.

Is this a leftover from the actions taken to block the PITA who was posting porno pictures?

If so, can we have the functionality back, please?


iank - 25/5/07 at 08:52 AM

Originally posted by David Jenkins
I don't seem to be able to upload any pictures at all at the moment!

The 'new topic' edit screen doesn't show an 'attach picture' option, and when I try to upload a small image to my picture area I get a 'nil return' - blank screen and nothing uploaded. I have successfully posted pictures before, so this is a new 'feature'.

Is this a leftover from the actions taken to block the PITA who was posting porno pictures?

If so, can we have the functionality back, please?


I just uploaded a picture successfully to my archive. Is is a strange filename, or too large?

Fozzie - 25/5/07 at 09:04 AM

David, all functions are still there!

I have tested 'new topic' on various forums, and the facility is present... (the little postcard thingy with a mountain on).....

Just looked in your pic archive, and it may be, (assuming its the 'for sale' folder) that its the + sign, try uploading again, using under-score rather than a 'symbol'......

Or...try logging out, and then back in again...

U2U me if none of the above works!

HTH Fozzie

David Jenkins - 25/5/07 at 11:53 AM

Originally posted by Fozzie
I have tested 'new topic' on various forums, and the facility is present... (the little postcard thingy with a mountain on).....

No, not that one, I meant the box at the bottom of a new post edit field that let you attach a picture straight off your machine.


Just looked in your pic archive, and it may be, (assuming its the 'for sale' folder) that its the + sign, try uploading again, using under-score rather than a 'symbol'......

The '+' one is an old upload that never worked properly (and I can't delete it!).

I'm trying to upload to my photo area a sensible piccy called DCF004.JPG that's around 65k in size. Everything used to work OK, but now it doesn't...


flak monkey - 25/5/07 at 11:58 AM


The attachment box has been removed in the anything else and this section when posting on topics. However it's still there in all of the others I think (havent look at them all).

No idea why it wont upload to your archive though


Fozzie - 25/5/07 at 12:21 PM

Aha...the attachment box!.........

Also.....just a thought.....putting pictures in your used to be that if there was another member, who already had a picture in their archive with the same name as you are trying to wont want to know......

Try renaming the picture to a more unique name, and give that a go? ....

It may be that there is a picture in someones archive with the same name, albeit a numeric one.....


Edit....typo ...ooops

[Edited on 25/5/2007 by Fozzie]

David Jenkins - 25/5/07 at 01:29 PM

Pity about the attachment box - but I fully understand why. Would be nice to get it back, though.

As for the gallery upload - changing the name did it! Not a very good database key though, if it complains about identical filenames across different forum members' archives.


[Edited on 25/5/07 by David Jenkins]

flak monkey - 25/5/07 at 04:42 PM

Chris fixed that ages ago. If you look in my archive there are several files that say 1 or 2 infront of them because someone else already has uploaded one with the same name.

Dont know why thats stopped working...

Fozzie - 25/5/07 at 04:57 PM

Well...I gotta say Flak, that bit has never been fixed for me....

I just got used to giving the pics unique names, so forgot about it...

Glad you have had success David (J), with uploading your pictures.....


flak monkey - 25/5/07 at 05:43 PM

Wierd, I thought it was a sitewide fix...

Black Cat - 26/5/07 at 07:38 PM


Black Cat - 26/5/07 at 07:42 PM

2L Zetec engine
2L Zetec engine

[Edited on 26/5/07 by Black Cat]

[Edited on 26/5/07 by Black Cat]

Breaker - 11/8/09 at 07:49 AM

testing ...
Image deleted by owner

[Edited on 11/8/09 by Breaker]

greed1 - 30/9/09 at 03:26 PM

Image deleted by owner

[Edited on 30/9/09 by greed1]
took a few goes but i got it now thanks

[Edited on 30/9/09 by greed1]