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Front page is missing?
ReMan - 3/5/05 at 08:26 PM

The front page seems to be missing, is it just me?

colibriman - 3/5/05 at 08:31 PM

missing for me too...

where's today's topics etc..?

chris.russell - 3/5/05 at 08:59 PM

your right, and theres a new section "announcements"

JoelP - 3/5/05 at 09:04 PM

yup, he's had a blonde moment...

ReMan - 3/5/05 at 11:06 PM

Please give it back, we really love it

scoobyis2cool - 4/5/05 at 01:08 AM

Glad it's not just me! I also like the 'today's topic' section


Mk-Ninja - 4/5/05 at 08:49 AM

With any luck we might get rid of the Skoda

need4speed - 4/5/05 at 10:25 AM

Not bothered about the Skoda just as long as the page comes bacK!!! Please.

ChrisW - 4/5/05 at 02:41 PM

I removed it as the news is so out of date (and no kit car company wants to send me any info!)


Bluemoon - 4/5/05 at 03:41 PM

I also miss the 'today's topic' section... Actualy how I keeped up to date...


liam.mccaffrey - 4/5/05 at 03:41 PM

could you put it back i know a lot of people like the most recent threads list

please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please

JonBowden - 4/5/05 at 04:21 PM

The main thing I use on this site is the most recent threads list.
I don't mind if you dump the rest of the front page, but please bring the most recent threads list back.
Oh, while you're at it any chance of making it a bit longer - say 50 to 100 items ? That way, I can ignore it for a day or so then come back with out having missed anything

longwayoff - 4/5/05 at 04:57 PM

Hum miss the front page that was easy to

This format is to hard for me but then I am an Idol git so I am told

phelpsa - 4/5/05 at 06:54 PM

Maybe you could replace the news with a search box. I sure someone at has a code for one.


Hellfire - 4/5/05 at 09:13 PM

I like the frontpage too...

Maybe the General Election is whipping everyone up into an excited frenzy.... maybe not

Hellfire - 4/5/05 at 09:19 PM


ReMan - 4/5/05 at 10:08 PM

I would like........
The list of recent posts as it was, but longer, the depth of the page? maybe even with the post date too.
Junk the longest running and all that , they only self proliferate.
And in the middle of the page a frequently (10 mins, 1 hour?) changing picture randomly plucked from the photo archives for interest- naming the member of course.
Also i'd like it to log you out automatically when you forget, after say an hour of inactivity.
Not to let folks subscribe without mandatory information like location, email authentication (even if not visible to group).
I think thats about it just for now, gosh I might become a contributor at this rate!

JoelP - 4/5/05 at 10:14 PM

maybe when the current sponsorship deal is up for renewal, you should mention that the front page will in future will be open to all advertisers for a fee?! you could make a fortune from this site!

ReMan - 4/5/05 at 10:17 PM

Originally posted by JoelP
maybe when the current sponsorship deal is up for renewal, you should mention that the front page will in future will be open to all advertisers for a fee?! you could make a fortune from this site!

Is is sponsorship? or just support as pictured?
If its just support i'm sure plenty of folks would support you!

Northy - 4/5/05 at 10:46 PM

Good points about the new topics list. I used it a lot and miss it
Can we have it back please mr, and longer this time?

Don't MK, GTS, MNR etc have something to put on the front page? Links to manufacturers sites? Other kit car sites? A list of show dates? I'm sure between us we could come up with something?

Caption competion? Locostbuilders shop selling stuff? Just ideas......

niceperson709 - 4/5/05 at 11:35 PM

Like everyone else I miss the front page I am sure that for most of the regulars it is like having a daily paper I read this site over breakfast and going to the fourums is NOT as as good I like the idea of radomly featuring photos from the Archive and makeing the most recent posts more prominant and maybe setting it up so that when clicked the links to those threads open in a new window would be good to . And by the way Just who has won the raffle /raffles run by GTS tuning ?
Best wishes
Iain (getting RSI from the extra mouse work )

scoobyis2cool - 5/5/05 at 12:09 AM

Just adding my support for these ideas, I definitely miss the recent topics list and I like the sound of the random picture as well. The only thing I don't agree with is automatic logging out, as I like to leave myself logged in - I hate it when I write a long reply only to lose it because I wasn't logged in! Perhaps this could be optional for users who want it?

Otherwise fantastic site!



richijenkin - 5/5/05 at 10:57 AM

I also liked the recent post section on the front page. Even though no kit car company wants to send you any info, you could put stuff on there like, upcoming club meets, latest members to have there kits on the road??

JonBowden - 5/5/05 at 11:53 AM


I'm sure you must be thinking of this. You could be running much more advertising to pay for this site.
Just as a test, I did a search on Google for "Locost" - this site came up first. This site must be valuable. Only you know how many hits you get but I guess it's alot.

Some suggestions :

Allow members to advertise their cars in a decent prominant way with pictures for a small fee
Allow members to advertise parts eg Cortina uprights in a decent prominant way with pictures for a small fee
Yellow pages listing of suppliers - free for a year, after that, if you have monitored click throughs you may be able to justify asking for a small listing fee
Front page adverts (like your old boxes for GTS, Skoda doners and a Luego Importer)
Different adverts on each page viewed.
Would it be possible to permit a few trusted companies eg GTS, MK, etc to directly add news items that would end up on your front page. These would appear in the form of a list that viewers would click on to view in more detail. Advertisers might be charged a fixed anual fee for this ability.

Ok, I know - kit car companies just don't want to part with any cash and all the above might be just too much work for not much return

Snuggs - 5/5/05 at 02:46 PM

Vote for its return (or not).

Fred W B - 6/5/05 at 05:51 AM

Chris - We are begging you, also the "search" is gone, we need it despretly


Fred WB

JamJah - 6/5/05 at 08:15 AM

For those who cant search using eyes... there's search up at the top!

JamJah - 6/5/05 at 08:18 AM

Oh and I like it like this: nice and direct. also less bandwidth means the site runs cheaper and better for us the consumer.

Keep the advertising to a minimum. You soon learn whose who and therefore biased. Not that theres much bitch between the better manufactures. Would be a shame if this slowly goes the same way as uncle rons site.

Fred W B - 6/5/05 at 08:46 AM

Sorry - Blond moment

Fred WB