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cant upload pictures
k33ts - 18/11/05 at 11:24 PM

why cant i upload pictures to this site.
im on dial up cant get b/b
if someone could explain make sure its idiot proof please?

Dreckly - 19/11/05 at 08:14 PM

I'm on Broadband and I've never managed to up load anything to my photo archive, apart from the picture titles, let alone post them on the forum!


omega 24 v6 - 19/11/05 at 10:35 PM

I can't upload either but have in the past.

k33ts - 20/11/05 at 11:32 PM


JoelP - 21/11/05 at 01:20 PM

when ive had trouble in the past it was due to the file type. Experiment saving it as different things. IIRC it was .JPG wouldnt work but .JPEG would, or some little difference like that

jos - 22/11/05 at 04:39 PM

If youre trying to upload a picture as part of a topic thread or reply when you lcik on the "Post Reply" button you will see the "Message" box where you would normally write the text for your reply. Just above that youll see a load of icons. If you guide your mouse over these icons you need to click on the "Insert an image" icon. Clicking on this icon will bring up a box where you will need to type in the proper URL of the image you are trying to post. It is not good enough to add an image that is sitting on your computers harddrive, it HAS to be sitting on a server somewhere out there in the big wide world. It is therefore a great idea to lik to pictures stored in your photo album.archive.

To upload images to your photo archive click on Photo Archive and your user name, and make sure your are signed in. At the bottom you will see Upload new photo, you need to click on Browse where you can browse your computer harddisks/storage to locate the picture you wish to upload, add a desription for easy reference, and then click on Upload.

Once uploaded and showing in your photo archive click on the photo you wish to add to the reply and copy the http:// blah blah blah and paste it into the URL box previously opened when you tried to add a picture to a reply.

[Edited on 22/11/05 by jos]

flak monkey - 22/11/05 at 04:41 PM

Make sure your photos arent huge as well. If they are staright of the digital camera they will be too big to upload either to your archive or insert in a thread....


DarrenW - 22/11/05 at 04:48 PM

Originally posted by flak monkey
Make sure your photos arent huge as well. If they are staright of the digital camera they will be too big to upload either to your archive or insert in a thread....


i would echo this comment. If they are too big then it simply doesnt work - no warning. Ive often aimed for less than 100K memory size to avoid problems.

k33ts - 23/11/05 at 12:12 AM

cheers guys getting there can now upload, i think the problem was the size of the pics.
but cant get one in the avatar as you can see above, and ive seen many of the other users seem to have the same problem endind up with the red cross.

flak monkey - 23/11/05 at 07:05 AM

For your avatar...

Go to your control panel and in the Avatar URL use this URL:


k33ts - 24/11/05 at 01:38 AM

na dont work mate cant remember what it said now something about programe not compatible with this site
i'll stick to using tools i think.