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Can we loose the non family safe avatars?
Fred W B - 4/12/05 at 07:33 PM

Okay, call me a boring old fart if you like, and I do enjoy a picture of a pretty girl as much as the next guy, but can I ask those using porn style avatars to tone them down a bit.

I would prefer to be able to read posts without worrying if anybody may be looking over my shoulder at some of the current avatars.

I don't have a problem with such content in other areas, just not in avatars.

What do others feel?


Fred WB

Hellfire - 4/12/05 at 07:37 PM

Boring old fart.

Yep, I agree with you. I often have my two young daughters nearby, whilst I'm browsing and have to scroll down extremely quick to avoid some of the saucier avatars. They see the little pictures on the left and stand watching, hoping to catch a sight of Danozeman's avatar (The snail with the popping eyes). They think it's great.

Even at work I have to be careful of the saucier ones cos it's an open-plan office.

[Edited on 4-12-05 by Hellfire]

Mansfield - 4/12/05 at 07:48 PM

I know what you are saying, I would really miss Welderman's avatar though....

Hellfire - 4/12/05 at 07:49 PM

Yep. So will I.....

zzrpowerd-locost - 4/12/05 at 08:03 PM

I took my rude one down already!

jestre - 4/12/05 at 09:10 PM

This has been an often repeated request. Could the board admin created a no-show-Avatar option?

Fozzie - 4/12/05 at 09:37 PM

Yep I quite agree Fred! We all have the choice to not look at Non Work Safe stuff, but with some of the avatars we don't have that choice, its 'right in ya face'.
Some people must remember that this is a public forum that can be accessed by anyone and everyone, from young kiddies to old biddies! Not a very good advert for locost builders (IMO).
Just my two pence worth!


Avoneer - 4/12/05 at 09:57 PM

Yeah I agree.
Most are fine, but the odd pair of ti*s is a bit worrying - especially where I work.

phelpsa - 4/12/05 at 10:20 PM

Some of the younger people are members of the forum aswell so i agree!

Viper - 4/12/05 at 10:31 PM

perhaps if this subject was a poll then Chris could act on it accordingly

BKLOCO - 4/12/05 at 10:36 PM

100% agree with this.
Some of us work in organisation where we could loose our jobs over images of this nature.
Petty and stupid I agree, when you can see worse in national newspapers, but unfortunately a fact of life.
I will miss them though.

Spyderman - 4/12/05 at 11:41 PM

I agree as well!
I have been trying to think of a way of asking the same thing but without sounding like an old f-rt!
I have kids who frequently watch over my shoulder, and they also love the snail!


Surrey Dave - 4/12/05 at 11:52 PM

I like to access the site from work and it can be difficult in an open plan office.

Some avatars go too far!, and before the inevitable comment , NO I'm not gay!!

This forum is not just for men so there has to be some common sense!!

[Edited on 5/12/05 by Surrey Dave]

DorsetStrider - 5/12/05 at 01:29 AM

Would it not be possible for the administrators to add a two check boxes.... one for when you load up a NWS avatar that you then select.... and other one on everyones profile asking if we want to view these?

That way it'll keep everyone happy and perhaps more importantly employed! I have to say that I work in an open plan office at a the local uni and if someone saw some of the avatars I'd be so dead even the worms would have to dig down!

MikeR - 5/12/05 at 08:41 AM

I'm glad someone has said this. I was also wondering how to bring it up. I also have the joy of working in an open plan office!

Jumpy Guy - 5/12/05 at 08:53 AM

speaking as someone who isnt fussed either way, just out of interest-

do any of the folk who work in an open plan office ever read the following at work-
the Sun, the Star, the Sport, Loaded, Nuts, Zoo Etc etc??

have they been warned by bosses about newspaper selection?

likewise, all the folk with kids, do they hide their newspapers at home?

bladdy hell, no wonder Britain has the highest child pregnancy in europe!!

Gav - 5/12/05 at 09:13 AM

Ive offered write the patch to achive just that in the other thread and ive also U2U'd chris but i have not recieved a reply and im not gonna waste my time writing it if chirs carnt be bothered to apply it let alone reply to the multiple threads and my U2U trying to address this issue.

Originally posted by DorsetStrider
Would it not be possible for the administrators to add a two check boxes.... one for when you load up a NWS avatar that you then select.... and other one on everyones profile asking if we want to view these?

That way it'll keep everyone happy and perhaps more importantly employed! I have to say that I work in an open plan office at a the local uni and if someone saw some of the avatars I'd be so dead even the worms would have to dig down!

Genesis - 5/12/05 at 09:32 AM

Maybe ChrisW has a busy life and other priorities at the moment. This isn't his 'bread and butter' afterall.

Personally I don't mind - but my kids (and missus) do as they now think I'm on a p0rn site. It is a delicate subject to approach without causing some conscious pangs to the purpetraitors. I think it's been suggested very well and long may it continue. I don't think it needs locost-law, this forum should be self-policing which it appears to have achieved.

Fozzie - 5/12/05 at 10:58 AM

Originally posted by Jumpy Guy
speaking as someone who isnt fussed either way, just out of interest-

do any of the folk who work in an open plan office ever read the following at work-
the Sun, the Star, the Sport, Loaded, Nuts, Zoo Etc etc??

have they been warned by bosses about newspaper selection?

likewise, all the folk with kids, do they hide their newspapers at home?

bladdy hell, no wonder Britain has the highest child pregnancy in europe!!

Jumpy, not too sure what your point is here.
Firstly, are the Sun, Sport, Loaded etc actually newspapers or scandal/sex sheets?

I do not think that one can assume that they are (newspapers), or in fact that every builder/member of this forum purchases the above, so therefore wouldn't have the need to 'hide' such matter!

What has 'child pregnancy' got to do with 'family safe' avatars?
It could also be argued that if young impressionable kids see the stuff published in the said tabloids at a too early age, they are more likely to experiment before they are ready, and also have the impression that every female is of that 'ilk' and theirs for the taking. I would argue that some young teens are out of control sexually, because of the implicit content that is so in your face in the above mentioned tabloids.

There are clearly folk on here that care about their jobs, wives, girlfriends and children as to the content that is shown.
At the same time, parents having the choice to protect the innocence of their children to a time when the parents think they are ready or able to deal with such, rather than having to explain before 'time' just because of an inappropiate avatar.

Only said as my 'two pence worth' and as a parent of 4 aged between 33 and 23, with grandkids aged between 0 and 12 years.
All normal, and brought up to respect both sexes equally!


[Edited on 5/12/05 by Fozzie]

Fred W B - 5/12/05 at 11:04 AM

Thanks for positive responses guys


Fred WB

omega 24 v6 - 5/12/05 at 12:27 PM

It doesn't bother me either way, but as already stated this is a self policing site and you all know who you are. So tame it down a bit Eh.

Jumpy Guy - 5/12/05 at 12:45 PM

the avatars have no 'p0rn' as such that ive ever seen, the worst is maybe a pair of breasts...
which is no worse than your kids or boss sees in WH smiths, on the cover of the tabloids, zoo and nuts et al.

my point is that no other european country would be so hung up on a wee bit of near nudity...

and more liberal countries (Holland) have significatly lower (i.e. 80% lower) child pregnancy than the UK.

anyway, this going slightly off topic.

less than 8% of the site users are minors.... I think a combination of better parental control, and self control will work, better than Chris having to code round anyones personal preferences.

Jasper - 5/12/05 at 01:08 PM

I have no problem with this - but would you class my Christmas one as too saucy ?????

Fozzie - 5/12/05 at 01:33 PM

In my opinion....nope!


Fred W B - 5/12/05 at 01:42 PM

Jasper - fine by me

Re point above about people being exposed to similar images in every day life, is that they can then choose to look, or not.

If some one takes a quick glance over your shoulder while you are on a computer, and the image that catches the eye is dodgy, the suggestion is then that you are surfing for p0rn, while you are actually researching car building - very different to being "accidentally" exposed to a stray image.

BTW, I am in South Africa.

Fred W B

[Edited on 5/12/05 by Fred W B]

MikeR - 5/12/05 at 06:20 PM

errm, i don't read the sun / nuts etc etc i've also never seen them in the office.

BUT i've also never seem them animated repeatidly !!!!!!!!

The women in our place had some posters taken down as they where too suggestive. Me having women pull there boobs out or give you the finger is, when seen, going to also cause objections.

Its sad that you can't live your life how you want too, but its a fact. Considering i'm normally a live and let live person I find it strange that i'm 'for' this 'censorship' but ......... this is a car builders site, not nuts, not the star etc ..... if i want to look at naked women i'm sure i'll find plenty if i type "sex" into google - something that will strangely enough get me the sack at work!!!

Lets just stick to pictures of cars, lumps of metal, faces, squished snails and cartoons of the simpsons and snoopy!

Mansfield - 5/12/05 at 09:36 PM

Dont type 'sex' into google - its far too vague.

Mark Allanson - 5/12/05 at 10:18 PM

Sounds like the voice of an expert?

Mansfield - 6/12/05 at 10:33 PM

Not an expert, just an enthusastic amateur.

Spyderman - 9/1/06 at 02:21 PM

It would appear that nearly everyone has moderated their avatars. This is most appreciated. Thank you!

Fozzie - 9/1/06 at 04:30 PM

Originally posted by Spyderman
It would appear that nearly everyone has moderated their avatars. This is most appreciated. Thank you!

Adding a thankyou from me too!
