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U2U notification
Dave J - 27/6/06 at 08:46 AM

Would it be possible to have the U2U notification at the top of the page displayed in a bigger and bolder font. Maybe it's just me, but I don't tend to notice those little letters and by the time I do it may be too late to act on the message that someone has taken the time and trouble to send me.
I feel very guilty if I miss these messages, especially if help is urgently needed.

For all those people who I've been late getting back to.........Humble apologies



Macbeast - 27/6/06 at 08:50 AM

What notification ???

Just proved your point, I think

Dave J - 27/6/06 at 09:02 AM

I guess as the notification only appears when you have a U2U, then you wouldn't necessarily expect to notice something that isn't normally there, especially when it is so small, hence the plea for something a little more eye catching.



RazMan - 27/6/06 at 09:34 AM

It might be better to have an email notification to prompt you to log in and pick up your messages.

chockymonster - 27/6/06 at 09:58 AM

Originally posted by RazMan
It might be better to have an email notification to prompt you to log in and pick up your messages.

I find that really handy on other sites I belong to. I've left a u2u messages unread because I didn't know they were there!

omega0684 - 27/6/06 at 10:28 AM

just browse the top of the page when you first sign in

birdii - 27/6/06 at 10:31 AM

I thought it did used to give email notification or am i confused with another forum?
Email notification would be the way to go in my opinion, if possible, much better!

peterriley2 - 27/6/06 at 05:08 PM

i was about to make a post on the exact sme thing- i just got a u2u. im sure getting the font size bigger with bold wouldnt be too hard to make, and would make all our lives a lot easier!!