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Thread changing
RazMan - 27/10/06 at 11:30 AM

I'm experiencing a wierd problem .....

When replying to a thread and pushing the 'post reply' button, instead of going to that thread, I am magically transported to another random thread.
Anyone else getting this?

*edit* It just happened again! I pressed 'edit post' and ended up in the 'Wanted' section

[Edited on 27-10-06 by RazMan]

graememk - 27/10/06 at 11:32 AM

test ?

edit your right i ended up here


[Edited on 27/10/06 by graememk]

scottc - 27/10/06 at 11:37 AM

wonder if it's ok for me?

Edit: Its like the magical mystery tour, who knows which thread you'll end up in.

[Edited on 27/10/06 by scottc]

_luke - 27/10/06 at 11:39 AM


Why does nothing ever happen the way you want it to!!

Guinness - 27/10/06 at 11:39 AM

i ended up on the wanted thread too!

wonder where i'll end up this time!


Guinness - 27/10/06 at 11:49 AM

Well done Luke, but now the number of replies and name of the last poster isn't updating!



_luke - 27/10/06 at 12:14 PM

Looks good to me.....

Mr G - 27/10/06 at 12:34 PM

Same thing happened here, I automatically assumed i'd just posted in the wrong thread and though I'd have to delete it only to find I had been correct and that i must of encountered a wormhole

Guinness - 27/10/06 at 01:21 PM

Last poster appears on the main forum page, but not on the sub-folder page.

If that makes any sense.

So on Forum page, under website problems it will show me as last poster, but on website problems page it shows someone else.


Edited to say all fixed now!

[Edited on 27/10/06 by Guinness]

ch1ll1 - 27/10/06 at 02:09 PM

same here, its driving me crazy

_luke - 27/10/06 at 02:20 PM

I'm confused!! It all looks fine. On the forums listing, it's ok. Also looks ok on the forum (thread title) view.

RazMan - 27/10/06 at 03:24 PM

Originally posted by _luke
I'm confused!! It all looks fine.

You must be using the force then Luke

_luke - 27/10/06 at 04:25 PM

Of course

DIY Si - 27/10/06 at 04:57 PM

I;m getting it now too. or maybe just noticed. The names are updating but not the number of posts.

ned - 28/10/06 at 08:16 PM

I'm having to use the maual 'catchup' link as read/old posts aren't going from an orange envelope to a grey one so I can't see what's new and what's not anyone else getting this?

tried on different pc's and logged out and back in to no avail.


[Edited on 28/10/06 by ned]

JoelP - 28/10/06 at 11:22 PM

seems fine, has been for a few days for me, i did notice something funny with the most recent poster bit but cant remember what exactly. BTW, if you delete a post it still leaves you on as most recent poster on the forum page etc No big deal though