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the moa 2 - 17/11/06 at 11:37 AM

As title says whos gonna be donating i know i am all the knowledge and help i have received from people on here is great.

Also the money saved from not having to ask for help from Dealers etc.

I can only apologise for not donating sooner.

nib1980 - 17/11/06 at 11:49 AM

Already have

RazMan - 17/11/06 at 11:52 AM

Just look at the number of Contributor titles to see how many have already donated

scotlad - 17/11/06 at 11:53 AM

me also, though i still get the directed to the 'please donate' page

graememk - 17/11/06 at 11:54 AM

i havent..... because i'm tight
ok really i just havent got around to it yet, but i will

tks - 17/11/06 at 12:05 PM

saying that i hope he won“t ask it us to much times a year not of the money but because www servers are cheap.

saying that i don“t know how much traffic this site generates..


p.d. i mean to say if there are 200 people who have paid 5pounds each (minimum) then he already has 1000pounds..with 1000pounds he can serously buy/pay for a good server and space and allot of traffic and that only with 200 people paid..
(of the 5500 registered??)

craig1410 - 17/11/06 at 01:07 PM

I've already contributed and I hope that I won't feel the need to contribute again. Not because it's not worth it but instead because I hope my car will be complete soon!!

By the way, £1000 won't go very far when you consider proper 24x7 server hardware costs, hosting costs (even at cost rates) and the cost of professional expertise. I don't know how big this site has become in terms of storage space and how much admin and preventative maintenance it consumes but I work for a medium sized (ie 350 staff) IT company and we charge around £900 per day for a technical or software consultant.

I'd be surprised if Chris was to break even (even at zero-profit rates) if he received less than £10k per year in donations.


[Edited on 17/11/2006 by craig1410]

jimmyjoebob - 17/11/06 at 01:09 PM

I have, but still get donation messages and junior builder tag.

[Edited on 17/11/06 by jimmyjoebob]

Hammerhead - 17/11/06 at 01:17 PM

I've donated recently and still have senior builder not contributor tags.
But who cares about the tag anyway. This is a great resource and if it wasn't here people like me who are enthusiastic but without all the tech skills necessay would struggle greatly.

So well done chrisW.

Mr G - 17/11/06 at 01:28 PM

Ah I see what`s happened, you aint been on for 2 months so did`nt know the score Moa2. It`s already been gone over and discussed in numerous threads

There`s even a poll on the subject.

Cheers G

procomp - 17/11/06 at 02:16 PM

Hi probably a question for chris but was there a way other than paypal sorted for donations.

cheers matt

TimC - 17/11/06 at 02:37 PM

Donated but still get the message...

wilkingj - 17/11/06 at 02:52 PM


Whats a £5 or a £10 in the £2k plus (and lot more in some case) added to your project costs.

You could not buy the help you get on here for 10 times that!!

Come along chaps... Cough up.. You know it makes sense.

PS.. I will still talk ot one and all... contributor or not.


If you contributed, and you account hasnt changed, a quick Email to chris should sort it, I had too.

[Edited on 17/11/2006 by wilkingj]

marcjagman - 17/11/06 at 03:56 PM

I have, and worth every penny.

Dazza - 17/11/06 at 04:15 PM

i have not built a car, but intend to some time. i donated, i am not tight, and £5 is a bargain..... i think i paid £5.50 just to be different thou......... lol.......

all should donate, i even got advice on PC problems, so its not just for cars!!!!

cheers one and all, and well done Chris for an excellent site!!!!!!

trextr7monkey - 17/11/06 at 04:33 PM

How can you pay if you don't do pay pal - definitely worth it but we don't use PP and sadly not going to start even when iti s a good cause!!

mark.s - 17/11/06 at 04:39 PM

Originally posted by TimC
Donated but still get the message...

same as that, still waiting for chriss to sort it, o'well when he's not to busy a

cheers mark

zzr1100rick2 - 17/11/06 at 05:38 PM

I did now cant sign on with original user name so it dosnt show honest i did

JoelP - 17/11/06 at 06:04 PM

The reminder page works off your tag. Hence because scotlads says half wit, he will still get the nag. Its just something that chris said he was working on. Those who have contributed but not been upgraded (ie the dontate nag removed) just email chris and tell him which email address you sent payment from. He said recently that there were quite a few he couldnt identify.

TangoMan - 17/11/06 at 07:04 PM

I did but still get the message.

Mailed Chris but I guess he has lots on at the moment.

JoelP - 17/11/06 at 07:21 PM

Originally posted by TangoMan
Mailed Chris but I guess he has lots on at the moment.

i know, it can be quite time consuming writing shopping lists!

Peteff - 17/11/06 at 07:59 PM

I want to keep my Marklar tag, Chris says he's looking into ways to just leave it and deactivate the nag screen. It doesn't bother me anyway, I can ignore it.

the moa 2 - 17/11/06 at 08:24 PM

Just made my donation feeling like ive made the right disision and feeling good about myself like ive done something good for the country and the children, oh hang on no thats children in need.

Anyway hopefully should receive my contribution tag soon so i can now proudly post.

pbura - 18/11/06 at 09:32 AM

Originally posted by trextr7monkey
How can you pay if you don't do pay pal - definitely worth it but we don't use PP and sadly not going to start even when iti s a good cause!!

You don't have to have a PayPal account to make a payment with PP. Don't know when they changed this, but glad that they did (good for small businesses that can't afford merchant accounts).

I contributed at least two years ago, so it's not an annual thing.

C'mon, you cheap @sses, ante up!

lexi - 18/11/06 at 06:25 PM

Well the rebel in me aint contributed. I don`t like getting a can rattled in my face as it don`t happen like that on any other group forums.
If we all put in 5 or 10 quid we could prolly BUY the forum.
Lastly until The Wizard of Oz removes this Mantra at the bottom of my posts my position remains.

Schrodinger - 20/11/06 at 11:34 AM

I made a contribution 12 days ago and I am still getting the donations reminder, and I have U2U Chris with no response

the moa 2 - 22/11/06 at 11:04 PM

I still have not got my contributer tag !

oneandoneis2 - 23/11/06 at 11:46 AM

I made a donation on the 8th - I guess the guy's just busy!

darrenga - 24/11/06 at 11:10 PM

made my contribution about 8 weeks ago,still getting pop ups,chris dosent reply to u2us or emails

the moa 2 - 26/11/06 at 11:43 AM

Takes your money ungratefully ?

Hopefully not .

MikeRJ - 27/11/06 at 05:58 PM

Originally posted by lexi
Well the rebel in me aint contributed. I don`t like getting a can rattled in my face as it don`t happen like that on any other group forums.

Not that you will care but IMO that's a pretty sucky attitude. The expertise and information given within this forum is worth ten of any other forums I use. Why do you expect something for nothing?

And FWIW it 'do' happen like that on other forums. In fact on some you have limited posting privileges (i.e. no classified, no technical stuff etc.) until you subscribe.

lexi - 28/11/06 at 01:25 PM

Originally posted by MikeRJ
Originally posted by lexi
Well the rebel in me aint contributed. I don`t like getting a can rattled in my face as it don`t happen like that on any other group forums.

Not that you will care but IMO that's a pretty sucky attitude. The expertise and information given within this forum is worth ten of any other forums I use. Why do you expect something for nothing?

And FWIW it 'do' happen like that on other forums. In fact on some you have limited posting privileges (i.e. no classified, no technical stuff etc.) until you subscribe.

I am on scores of forums. PEOPLE make forums . Not moderators who cannot be found when something needs to be discussed. You can contribute if you wish but even the plate at Church only comes round once a week unlike the rattling can that pops up here every other post.
Are the comtributions to fund the new proposed forum?. I stated my reasons for not contributing. You assumed it was because I expected something for nothing. That is like me saying you contributed because it made you feel good...........I don`t know so I wouldn`t suggest it..........

Schrodinger - 10/12/06 at 10:28 AM

Originally posted by Schrodinger
I made a contribution 12 days ago and I am still getting the donations reminder, and I have U2U Chris with no response

And still no response!!

Aboardman - 13/12/06 at 11:08 PM

i made my donation 2nd nov and still get the pop up

dhutch - 2/1/09 at 12:26 PM

I donated.
- Its the only forum i ever have, and it sort of goes against the (personaly) of forums been free to use.
- I know you can use it without, and there are a few which have some sections you cant get to without. To name one, WSCC fs/wtd area.

I would imagine/hope/expect that the add banner actaully provides sufficent funding and that all the donations go stright into profit.

But yeah, i coughed up just to get rid of the banner.

The forum i co-run ( is free to use and add-free funded fully out of the pocket of the site owner Jon.
