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Minor envelope problem
David Jenkins - 11/6/03 at 03:07 PM


All seems to be working properly, apart from one aspect of the envelopes.

A while after items are read the evelopes should go grey ('time expired' I guess). What's happening is that the topics themselves are going grey, but those for the subject areas (on LocostBuilders) are remaining red.


ChrisW - 12/6/03 at 12:29 PM

Sounds like a caching problem. Try hitting F5 to update the front page (or ctrl-f5 if that doesn't work)

Are you pressing the 'catch up' button after each session?


ned - 12/6/03 at 12:44 PM

i get this a lot, and hit f5 frequently, to no avail. it's as if there's a timeout on the orange to grey envelope thingy.....

every so often (30 mins or so i guess) it catches up.


David Jenkins - 12/6/03 at 12:58 PM

Originally posted by ChrisW
Sounds like a caching problem. Try hitting F5 to update the front page (or ctrl-f5 if that doesn't work)

Are you pressing the 'catch up' button after each session?


I'll try F5 in the near future.

I do use 'catch up' 'cos I don't feel that I can rely on the envelopes.



Alan B - 12/6/03 at 04:36 PM


What is catch up?

I see the thing to click, just don't know what it does.....

I'm thick me....

Spyderman - 12/6/03 at 04:42 PM

Originally posted by Alan B

What is catch up?

I see the thing to click, just don't know what it does.....

I'm thick me....

You bin in America too long!

It's the red stuff you put on yer fish n chips!


Alan B - 12/6/03 at 07:52 PM

Er...right....thanks Terry.......(I think)

Spyderman - 12/6/03 at 11:25 PM

ChrisW - 13/6/03 at 08:16 AM

'Catch up' marks all the topics as read - ie makes them all go grey. This happens anyway if you're away from the site for 10-12 minutes. If you click it it means any posts made after the time you last clicked it will show red.


David Jenkins - 13/6/03 at 01:41 PM

I recently left the system to clear its own envelopes, coming back about an hour after reading some messages.

Several of the top-level envelopes were still red, but everything underneath those links were grey.

Going back to the top and pressing F5 updated the view and those envelopes went grey (i.e. to the correct state).

Is the fix at your server end, or at our client end?



ned - 13/6/03 at 03:00 PM

i've given up with the envelopes as I'm sure some I haven't read have appeared grey and others i have stay red for too long. I don't often log off or close a window from the site if it makes any difference?

I'm giving catchup a go, but thought it should be unecessary to use if hitting f5, which i have done/do!

Yours confused,
