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accidently clicking the wrong thing
jeeby_man - 15/4/07 at 05:29 PM

i accidentaly click on one of the 'us this a trade advertisement, if so click here' things that appear of some of the discussions and the next thing knew was it had been reported. it was on the selling forum for a post i had started and it was a post by Neil P who isn't a trader.
any suggestions?

Hellfire - 15/4/07 at 05:39 PM

Just forget about it. I doubt the internet police are gonna go round and arrest him. It's an easy mistake to make.


StevieB - 15/4/07 at 07:38 PM

When it first came out, I posted a few items for sale from a garage clearout and just about every other person clicked on the report now button (including myself, just out of curosity!).

It's wasn't a major drama, but it did mean that I now put everything I need to get rid of straight through ebay.