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double angles?? any tips???
Z20let Corsa - 19/5/09 at 07:39 PM

well. on the la, lb, lc, ld tubes on the double angles i just dround them in with a bench grinder till they fitted. i am now at the stage to fit the rear tubes for the front wishbones (cant remember the references.) Are there any easy ways of cutting them right or am i best just grinding bit by bit till its right?? thanks. John.

James - 19/5/09 at 07:53 PM

For producing the 'L' assembly I would recommend cutting each face of the tube. That was how I got it right on the 3rd attempt!

As for the 'FU' tubes, they aren't double angles!

Don't forget they should sit about 6mm in from the top outer chassis rail.

To be honest though, you're best fitting them when you're fitting the wishbone brackets! Use your bracket jig to set the FU tubes at the same time.
If you don't do it that way I practically garantee you'll be grinding them out again anyway!!!


mark chandler - 19/5/09 at 10:40 PM

Bit of card wrapped around a dummy short bit of tube, cut with sizzors until the shape is correct then transfer across to the correct one.

Just as easy to cut close and whittle away in reality.

Regards Mark

PaulBuz - 24/5/09 at 07:24 PM

Originally posted by James

If you don't do it that way I practically garantee you'll be grinding them out again anyway!!!


Spoken like a true locost builder!
Oh the memories