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yay my chassis arrived
mrwibble - 15/2/10 at 09:07 PM

yay my fury chassis kit arrived. doh... it has no side impact protection!!!!!!!! ffs........ clearly chris has no record and no memory of my visit to him waaaaaaaaay back in july.... sigh what a shame, i like the bloke........................ ffs, someone tell me its useless and i'm better off without please... be it true or not...

stevebubs - 15/2/10 at 09:09 PM

I've never had a use for it.

Not crashed mine, though...

blakep82 - 15/2/10 at 09:14 PM

you want me to tell you your chassis's useless and you're better off without it?!

well, ok. its useless and you're better off without it. you'd be best giving it to me instead

if you give him a call, he might be able to sort it out?

[Edited on 15/2/10 by blakep82]

franky - 15/2/10 at 09:56 PM

I'd send it back. You'll get use to waiting for parts from them!

mrwibble - 15/2/10 at 10:23 PM

the bloody idiot just drove 3 hrs from kent to stourbridge and back. !!!! i've gone past angry, now i'm just bemused, silly bugger.

send it back???? it was supposed to arrive in october!!!

the dolt better hope i never have to find out how much protection it really offers...

norfolkluego - 15/2/10 at 11:15 PM

Is this Fisher you're talking about, I'm waiting for something from them, you've got me worried now.

Fisher phoned me today and confirmed a delivery date of next Tuesday, thanks guys

[Edited on 16/2/10 by norfolkluego]

blakep82 - 16/2/10 at 01:30 AM

well it might just be something simple like the wrong chassis got loaded into the van. yours might be sitting at the factory.
their mistake and up to them to put right, if you want them to

[Edited on 16/2/10 by blakep82]

franky - 16/2/10 at 01:34 AM

If you've not got what you've paid for/ordered do you want to carry on?

jabbahutt - 16/2/10 at 08:36 AM

As above, if your not happy with what you've got is it wise just to plod on as it will bug you for the entire build and it's meant to be fun.

Give them a ring and see what they say.

avagolen - 16/2/10 at 11:10 AM

Dear MRWIBBLE, I received my chassis last year in November.
I went to the factory and had a good look at it then transported it myself.
Not that I noticed anything wrong with it - but while building I have had to grind of a couple of welds to allow the panels to fit better,
just a minor irritation. Nothing will be perfect but I think I would have noticed something as big as the impact bars missing.

I do remember that the recipt for the order has all the items that I requested on it and the individual costs.
If you check yours carefully, I think you will see exactly how much you payed for your chassis and that will confirm what you ordered. I think the Side Impact upgrade is an extra £250.
If your recipt is for the extra, then Chris has dropped a clanger and you can discuss that with him.
The other side of the coin is that you have not checked the onus is on yourself.

Stop winging and get on the phone.

I am aware that all things do not always go as planned, but that is the nature of this kitcar empire. You does your best

Steve at BGH who has built many a Fury did not recomend the bars to me when I was discussing what was needed. I am building the Fury for mainly road use with a car engine..


mrwibble - 16/2/10 at 12:41 PM

excuse me, but i was given a delivery date of october, after a visit in july. including side impact protection.

after chasing it in october, it has become clear chris had totally forgotten about my order, and i doubt he even started untill october. instead of admitting his mistake he has continued on trying to blag his way through.

He is due to phone me today, as he didn't even manage to charge me the right amount yesturday.

And bollox to whinging, I am very happy its arrived and i dont intend (3 1/2 months late) as it is to wait another god knows how long to get it transported up and down the country again. I haven't been over charged, and if i feel like venting a bit spleen on here then i damn well will! avagolen.

avagolen - 16/2/10 at 05:56 PM

OK, OK, keep your pulse down, there will be enough challenges on the build than have high blood pressure now.

My chassis was about 4 months late, so I know the frustrations of a late delivery.

I am sory that it is not what you expected, but I was suggesting a way of confirming where the discrepency came from.

Chris and the guys at BGH have a great passion for the car, and will be gutted to have made a mistake.

I could have sworn that I ordered the headlamps when I ordered the chassis, but when I double checked the receipt - there it was - missing.

Jek, who posts on this forum picked his chassis up 2 weeks before me, and he drove down from scotland. I think he waited longer than me, as Chris was having a problem getting the fabricators to actually start on them.

Have a great time when you start the build, I have a big grin whenever I get into the workshop have a go.



mrwibble - 16/2/10 at 06:10 PM

just a shame that chris' affabilty isn't backed up by organisation.

franky - 16/2/10 at 06:49 PM

I waited 2 months for a fuel tank to name one example from them, I was happy with the product just not the wait for bits from them.

Brommers - 16/2/10 at 09:17 PM

I'm still waiting for 2 bonnet hinges - and I ordered them 2 years ago...

mrwibble - 17/2/10 at 11:13 AM

if only i'd wanted a 7

welderman - 17/2/10 at 11:33 AM

They are a bit slow in getting bits out, but it will be worth it in the end.

Let the fun begin

RK - 18/2/10 at 01:33 PM

I have a strange feeling that this is the nature of kit cars, which is why I won't be doing another one! Life is too short.

Simon - 19/2/10 at 10:05 PM

You ordered a chassis in July and didn't have it within a fortnight - I'd have cancelled.

Me, as a complete novice spent three days making a chassis from scratch to on its wheels.


If you people don't cancel and get your money back, these people won't learn, and their service won't improve!



twinturbo - 20/2/10 at 07:39 AM

It does seem odd that they are taking so long to fulfil orders.

Perhaps they are folowing the business model of another well known ( but not highly regarded ) kit parts company...


mrwibble - 20/2/10 at 11:23 AM

like i say, i think chris took my deposit and forgot all about my order, it took him only 18 weeks from when i chased it in october to arrive! to be fair there were unexpected delays such as the heavy snows which i know can be bad down in kent, but still... the fury is the car i want to build however.

Simon - 20/2/10 at 06:11 PM

Originally posted by mrwibble
like i say, i think chris took my deposit and forgot all about my order, it took him only 18 weeks from when i chased it in october to arrive! to be fair there were unexpected delays such as the heavy snows which i know can be bad down in kent, but still... the fury is the car i want to build however.

Oh come off it. 18 weeks is long enough for one cut and one weld a day on a chassis. I got into work in the snow (he's 20 mins from me in Kent, it wasn't difficult).

Stop standing up for incompetence or downright laziness



mrwibble - 20/2/10 at 09:08 PM

Originally posted by Simon
Originally posted by mrwibble
like i say, i think chris took my deposit and forgot all about my order, it took him only 18 weeks from when i chased it in october to arrive! to be fair there were unexpected delays such as the heavy snows which i know can be bad down in kent, but still... the fury is the car i want to build however.

Oh come off it. 18 weeks is long enough for one cut and one weld a day on a chassis. I got into work in the snow (he's 20 mins from me in Kent, it wasn't difficult).

Stop standing up for incompetence or downright laziness



should i shout down the phone at him for a while? fact is there isn't another supplier of the car i want. i doubt it would of made any difference

wilkingj - 22/2/10 at 10:58 AM

Originally posted by mrwibble
should i shout down the phone at him for a while? fact is there isn't another supplier of the car i want. i doubt it would of made any difference

NEVER shout down the phone to complain.
SHOUTING at them just tells them you are angry, and are going to be unreasonable, so they usually switch off (or even hang up).
Then the situation just escalates into an impasse.

Write down all the points you want to complain about.
Ring them up, tell them you are complaining.
Go through the points one at a time.
Ask what they are going to do about it.

Then when you have a resolution, recap, and summarise the points and actions they are to take.

Decide a suitable timeframe in which they have to resolve the issues.

Then see where you go from there.

I can assure you you will have more success doing it this way.

Cool Calm, collected, businesslike is the way forward.
REGARDLESS of how angry you may be.

The Kit car industry is a cottage industry, and many suppliers are small companies and they probably are using outsourced suppliers to make things. Most of them are not quick to supply.
Be reasonable, but firm. Ask then for dates they can meet, not ones they would like to meet.

Stay calm, and you will get much further, than by being angry and loud.

Just my 2d's worth.