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rectangular sections
hamza - 4/6/10 at 06:39 PM

I have purchased Chris Gibs book, I live in Peshawar Pakistan, the 51x25 mm rectangular section as recomended in the book is not available can I use 50x25 instead.

In addition can you please tell me how much of the 25x25, 19x19 and 50x25 mm rectangular sections are required respectively as the same is not provided in the book



RichardK - 4/6/10 at 06:55 PM

I would say that using box thats 1mm bigger won't be a problem at all or you could tack 2 of the 25mm together!



dan_g8 - 4/6/10 at 06:57 PM

as above, most people weld 2 bits of 25x25 box together.

also have you had a look on haynes forum?

[Edited on 4/6/10 by dan_g8]

smart51 - 4/6/10 at 07:03 PM

I would use 50 x 25 in place of 51 x 25 without a second thought. If that 1mm made all the difference then both are too small.

Alan B - 4/6/10 at 07:09 PM

Never heard of 51 x 25, pretty sure it does not exist.......I'll bet it's 2" x 1"

50.8mm rounded to 51 and 25.4mm rounded to 25

50 x 25 will be fine.

Chippy - 4/6/10 at 10:48 PM

I think you will find it's just a typo, and should be 50 x 25 anyway as it weld to 25 x 25. I think the only reason it's there is so the back panel can be fitted easily. HTH Ray

hamza - 5/6/10 at 02:25 PM

Dear All,

Thanks to all of you for your valuable input and suggestions, will be getting back to you with more queries as I progress

