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Where to buy chassis plans
Nivek4209 - 25/3/13 at 10:11 PM

Where can I buy or get detailed chassis plans
I'm in the Republic of Ireland so road registration is next to impossible unless you come through the uk import process
I'm looking for something to build a Honda v6 into preferably with double wishbone all round
I have cortina front hubs and a mk2 escort quick rack aquired for a buggy project which turned out not to be appropriate for that job but I think there more suited for these builds
Think I can get two out of date rally seats and harnesses pretty cheap too so I have a decent start along with the 3.0 V6 accord donor car
What chassis do I need

wylliezx9r - 25/3/13 at 10:31 PM

Don't know the Honda engine dimensions but have you had a look at the Haynes roadster ? The chassis is pretty wide. The book is available to buy and includes all the chassis plans and more. However the main donor is sierra although there are plans which adapt the chassis to use the mx5 as a donor.


NigeEss - 25/3/13 at 10:35 PM

The three that come straight to mind ....
1 Original Ron Champion book, uses Cortina uprights and hubs but not double wishbone rear suspension.
2 Haynes Roadster, very detailed plans, double W/B all round but designed for Sierra uprights and hubs.
3 Combine both above options.

Nivek4209 - 25/3/13 at 10:51 PM

I have an idea of using Subaru drivetrain gearbox prop diff and shafts but not sure about the rear hubs
I'm only thinking of going down this route as I had an impreza recently and know what they are made of
I'd need to get adapters made to mate the engine and box but the Subaru box carries the starter and slave cyl on a simple 4 bolt pattern bell housing
this box is good even in its poorest entry level wrx or uk turbo for 320 horses and has an rear LSD as std
And I know it's 4wd but thats easy cured
I want something along the lines of the caterham or westfield or at least that look not a full wheel covered body

Dick Axtell - 25/3/13 at 11:12 PM

I have a set of Locost chassis plans, for live axle version. Let me know if you want a copy.

Nivek4209 - 25/3/13 at 11:18 PM

Anything considered
I have a pipe bender too are there any of the plan sets using round tube or are the mostly box section
Can ya email me plans ?

Not Anumber - 26/3/13 at 11:14 AM


The Haynes Roadster plans are to be found in a Haynes book written by Chris Gibbs. The main difference between this and the earlier Ron Champion plans is the use of Siera or Mazda MX5 parts in place of Cortina and RWD Escort donor parts which were getting difficult to obtain. They are also slightly larger, chiefly because of the independant rear suspension in place of a live axle.

This link is to the book on Amazon's site but it could equally be ordered from Haynes themselves or picked up on Ebay.

There is a sub forum about the haynes Roadster on this Locost Builders Forum but also it is worth exploring the external Haynes Roadster specific forums:


Though the book started being largely Sierra based it is now very feasible to build using the Maxda MX5 as a main donor. A variety of engines can be used. Several have varied the design to fit other parts but if it is your first car build my advice would be to stick with a formula that at least one or two others have already sucessfully built so that you know theres plenty of support and advice available. Going off piste with a build can be a lot of fun if you have the stomach and skills for it but it can also be a very big headache if there is no one else out there to help.

John P - 26/3/13 at 11:33 AM

What about the Jim McSorley plans.

There were one set which were basically the Ron Champion plans but made 4" wider and a second alternative which were also 4" Longer.

Can't seem to connect to his website at present but I probably have a set of plans I could e-mail if it helps.


designer - 27/3/13 at 02:31 PM

McSorley plans:
