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poly bush rod end to fix engine
Furyarno - 5/12/13 at 05:37 PM

Hello guys

Concerning the swap of my engine in my Fury ZZR11 into 14

I am thinking how I could bolt the engine into the frame , I need to redo all mounting points...

I was wondering if a fix such as a hard poly bush rod end would do the job , on each fix of the block

It could be easy to built & solve vibrations problems ...

Is it a deja vu solution ?

Where can I find a simple length of tube with an end already welded on & equipped with a polybush ?

Should I buy a sort of cheap panhard bar or A arm to cut it and use the parts ???

Thanks for any help


Simon - 5/12/13 at 06:16 PM

I'd suggest going to the polybush website, checking out what sizes are available and getting some tube to match and going from there. From the sound of it, you want to buy something that can be bolted in because you can't/don't have welding equipment, which I'd shy away from.



zekill - 5/12/13 at 06:57 PM

Salut FuryArno,
à ta place je ferais les supports moteur avec des articulations élastiques de trains roulants.
c'est moins cher que les silent-bloc polyurethane et plus souple, mieux adapté pour une fixation moteur.
tu peut en trouver chez Planet Kart Cross:

Furyarno - 5/12/13 at 06:58 PM

I do have equipment , I know how to weld and also some time I let excellent people do that for me.

But a lot of component are already wellmade on market such as A arm etc .. so why not a simple tube ?

My Q was more on the basis of the manner of fixing the engine than my ability of fabricating it

Thanks for your help

nick205 - 5/12/13 at 07:04 PM

Others have mounted bike engines in the same way with good success. I believe some bike engines are hard mounted to a cradle, then the cradle is mounted to the chassis with poly bushes in the same way you describe.

Do Fisher not make a suitable cradle or mounts for your engine?

Might be the quickest and most cost effective solution.

Furyarno - 5/12/13 at 07:05 PM

Top Zekill !! Merci

Mais y'a du google translate ou tu es français ??

faut trouver un tube qui ai le parfait alésage pour l'inserer

Comme j'ai pas mal de boulot ailleurs je me disais un bras tout fait serais le top mm si ça coute un peu ...Mon temps est précieux

Je check le site ça a l'air top

Thanks Zekill

Furyarno - 5/12/13 at 08:12 PM

Hi Nick

Yes Would be useful to ask Fisher

I do infact have a "craddle" since a zzr was already fit , a straight tube wich hold the back of the case

But the 14 is different , smaller , compact , it doesn.t need a lot to be bolted

Much more centered & inlined with the shaft wich is cut & get a bearing on chassis not far btw

Only the generator position , back to oldschool end of crank location , got to push it front a bit

For the sump , I'll go on the ABperf route with his stunning billet sump relocated filter wich will be I hope the biggest budget for the adaptation