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Chassis black
clbarclay - 18/2/05 at 12:38 PM

what preperation does chassis black require?

I'm thinking of prining my chassis with oxide paint to sto it rusting while all the detail parts are fabricated. does chassis black need bare metal or metal suitable primed for best effect. If primed, then will the oxide do, or will it need removing and replacing with some tyhing different?

Bananaman - 18/2/05 at 01:09 PM

This sound a bit stupid, but I've just finished painting a chassis for a F2 Stock Car, where the finish can be seen by all, and I used Woodburner heat resistant black enamel paint. What a finish, no brush strokes, and shinier than most sprayed chassis that I've seen. I painted 2 coats onto bare metal.


clbarclay - 18/2/05 at 01:50 PM

the chassis is only part built, all the brackets etc. are yet to be built and go on, in the mean time a coat of oxide paint will prevent the chassis rusting between now and completion ready for fnal painting.

[Edited on 18/2/05 by clbarclay]

big_wasa - 18/2/05 at 10:04 PM

I to have used bbq enamel and it does give a great finish which is very tought but did take a lot longer to dry....

clbarclay - 18/2/05 at 10:29 PM

Has any one long term experiance comparing chassis black, enamel gloss or any other suitable chassis paints (yes i know hamerite is v.brittle)

Marcus - 19/2/05 at 10:11 AM

I've used chassis black on 2 cars now and can't crack it! If you try, you can still mark it with your finger nail as it remains a little softer than normal paint, but this keeps it flexible.
It seems to dull a little after 3 years, so a re-paint is in order this winter.


PS no rust coming through at all, with no primer used, just roughed the surface slightly with wire brush.