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hotshotbeans - 8/12/05 at 01:00 PM

hey dude just put on a warm jumper and the cold wont bother you lol lol lol

andyd - 8/12/05 at 01:26 PM

Hey what's that you say?

Posted new instead of reply to old perhaps?!?

Scotty - 8/12/05 at 01:41 PM

but good advice anyway

dave1888 - 8/12/05 at 04:21 PM

Dont forget some sturdy boots a hat and gloves

Peteff - 8/12/05 at 05:25 PM

And keep an eye out for polar bears !

Messenjah - 8/12/05 at 06:47 PM

if your likely to enocunter a polar bear the best thing you can do is take a fat friend then you dont have to outrun the polar bear you just have to outrun him

omega 24 v6 - 8/12/05 at 07:56 PM

If you wait a while you won't need to worry about polar bears as the ice cap will have melted and they'll have drowned