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ADR (Aussie) Chassis
Dick Axtell - 18/2/03 at 05:06 PM

We're not the only builders to have "fun" with legislative chassis requirements. Have a look at the 2 Aussie-related pics in my file area. They are from a down-under builder who has successfully completed his car.

TheGecko - 21/2/03 at 02:35 AM


I'm not sure how many other Aussies hang out on this forum, but I'll chance a reply to this.

The chassis in those photos looks a little "over the top". Many Locost style chassis' have been passed in Australia with less mods than that. For an example I've seen with my own eyes, have a look at Phil Rowe's website.


fastenuff - 21/2/03 at 06:24 PM

Been looking at a fair few OZ builds the last few years, yes they do need a modified chasis but this chasis is beyond me. I don't think the height in this frame matters much in the torsion testing.
But there is someone on the list that is more used to looking at chasis than I am.
I reckon the builder wanted the engine INSIDE the chasis.