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aluminium book chasis
02GF74 - 6/1/06 at 09:44 AM

Too lazy to search but pretty sure this would have been asked before or done but has anyone made a book chasis from aluminium?

curious about cost, weight savings, tubr size/wall thickness, advantage/disadvantage(s) and which alloy?

RH do a rivetted panel monocoque but I refer to a square/round tube welded chasis.

[Edited on 6/1/06 by 02GF74]

britishtrident - 6/1/06 at 09:57 AM

Don't even go there --- has been dealt with in a lot of depth in the past "here be dragons"

David Jenkins - 6/1/06 at 10:09 AM

"here be dragons"

In summary:

Very light, difficult to weld properly, fragile, will crack and fall apart if used on the road for even a short amount of time. Really only suitable for track use - and even that's questionable.


02GF74 - 6/1/06 at 10:59 AM

Originally posted by David Jenkins

will crack and fall apart if used on the road for even a short amount of time.

well I am surprised by this bit! Ali bikes frames are the norm and I am not aware of them falling apart, admiteddly it is aluminium alloy,

Will do the search as I am all curious now. I guess Ti chasis is out of the question?

flak monkey - 6/1/06 at 11:05 AM

Do a search.

Aluminium fatigues like crazy and wont last long on road driving.

Its also 3 times less stiff than steel, so an ali spaceframe would have 3 times worse torsional stiffness if you copied the book design.

Most ali bike frames dont do the miles or are subject to the loads that a car chassis are. But they will crack sooner or later whereas a steel one will not.


smart51 - 6/1/06 at 11:09 AM

And yey companies do seem to use the stuff in structural applications like planes cars and bikes.

I'm sure that if designed properly using the apropriate alloy, that it could be done. Whether it would be worth it, not that is another question.

Isn't it true that aluminuim fatigue is due to movement in the metal, not force on it (i.e by bending or twisting)? Isn't a space frame supposed to be designed so that there is only tension / compression loads with no twisting or bending? It sounds like the two should go together well enough.

David Jenkins - 6/1/06 at 11:11 AM

Originally posted by smart51
And yey companies do seem to use the stuff in structural applications like planes cars and bikes.

Not in the way the Locost chassis is designed...

...oh, and aluminium will work-harden all by itself, if left alone for long enough.


[Edited on 6/1/06 by David Jenkins]

02GF74 - 6/1/06 at 11:51 AM

Originally posted by flak monkey
Its also 3 times less stiff than steel, so an ali spaceframe would have 3 times worse torsional stiffness if you copied the book design.

Most ali bike frames dont do the miles or are subject to the loads that a car chassis are. But they will crack sooner or later whereas a steel one will not.

Those are generalisation that I don't think that is correct - all these arguments/comments have been already made - I started to read through them.

... but just to coment ... arrghgghhh!!! got drawn into it!!
So ali is 3 times less stiff than steel; ok; so use 3 times the material - i.e. you design the structure for the appliaction. (NB ali weighs 1/3 of steel so no weight saving if you did that).

Again with loads on mountin bikes; look at the size and thckness of bike tubes; they probably get as much stress, maybe more if you do big drop offs, relative to their size than a car chassis. Again you design structure for the application.

Now I will not post to anymore as all the sparring on the merits or not have been stated already.

u401768 - 6/1/06 at 12:11 PM

I had a simaler thought a while back, but not using the std design - here is the thread

Philippe - 6/1/06 at 12:36 PM

My 2 cents on aluminium book chassis.
The 2.5 to 1 weight advantage of aluminium is offset by the following factors:

1- aluminium is more maleable therefore less stiff than steel.
2- thin aluminium is difficult to weld properly (metal structure desintegration) and in any case must involve TIG welding which small shops do not always have. Qualified aluminium welders time cost more than steel welders'.
3-As aluminium cost 4 to 5 times more than mild steel there are budget implications.

In essence: there are many ways to improve the weight/tortional resistance ratio of a chassis. One of them is to improve the steel chassis to sheet metal "integrity".

In my view an aluminium chassis is pretty low on my list. But if I were racing I may feel differently.


mark chandler - 6/1/06 at 12:48 PM

I,m going for a hybrid as I can weld ali.

The frame is based upon the books external dimensions, however I will not be providing tubes for any of the Transimmision tunnel/footwells beyond the bulkhead.

I will build a complete ali floor and tunnel in one piece and drop the frame over this.

The floor wll be braced with folder U lengths of ali etc. I,m hoping for a very light and rigid structure, the load bearing sections will still be steel.
Regards Mark

David Jenkins - 6/1/06 at 12:58 PM

If I wanted to make an ali chassis I'd start with a totally different design - something more 'monocoque', using folded sheet rather than welded tube.

Trouble is, I don't have the engineering knowledge to design such a beast!


trikerneil - 6/1/06 at 01:07 PM

IIRC BSA built an ally frame for a Victor engine, they used the same design as the steel one. It was a disaster.
This suggests to me that an ally chassis would have to be totally redesigned.

mark chandler - 6/1/06 at 01:14 PM

Sorry my post was not very clear.

My frame is still steel, its just where you sit that I have chosen to delete the steel panels and construct a rigid ali replacement if that makes sence.

This is based upon the information in the kit car analysis doc provided by gretrix where he builds the tunnel and floor in steel reducing weight and increasing rigidity.

britishtrident - 6/1/06 at 01:15 PM

When Chapman replaced the spaceframe on the Lotus 24 (which was really just a rear engined version of the seven chassis) with aluminium to make the Lotus 25/33 monocoque it ended up heavier than the Lotus 24 steel space frame.

Aluminium is a completely different material for the designer to work with --- for a start it has no identifyable yeild point, it always has a finite fatigue life and welding it without heat treating the whole frame has a really bad effect on the mechanical properties.

02GF74 - 6/1/06 at 01:34 PM

Originally posted by mark chandler
I'm going for a hybrid as I can weld ali.

The frame is based upon the books external dimensions, however I will not be providing tubes for any of the Transimmision tunnel/footwells beyond the bulkhead.

I will build a complete ali floor and tunnel in one piece and drop the frame over this.

The floor wll be braced with folder U lengths of ali etc. I,m hoping for a very light and rigid structure, the load bearing sections will still be steel.
Regards Mark

I was thinking on these lines on my walk into town. Steel for load bearing parts: engine, gearbox and suspension and ali to hang of bodywork, not that I plan to build one. Ofcourse sacrificing strrengh around the occupant shell should be avoided.

The addition of lugs and bolts to join steel and ali would soon add up in wieght

clbarclay - 6/1/06 at 03:09 PM

One of the problems with aluminium IIRC is the effect of the heat from welding. Small componets (up to and including bike frames) can be easilly heat treated after welding to over come this problem.

An alturnative way of using aluminium I have heard of is to use it in honecomb boards, bonded together with a resin.
Don't know the pros and cons of using aluminium in this way though.

If you've got the money to invest in chassis materials, they going for a suitable medium carbon steel would be a better bet.

[Edited on 6/1/06 by clbarclay]

cossey - 6/1/06 at 03:12 PM

aluminium unlike steel has no lower fatigue limit. i will explain this as so far everyone has got the explaination wrong in some way.

fatigue is failure caused by a cyclic load (eg vibrations) that are below the yield point (ie the load is not enough to casue failure on its own) that over many cycles (many means in the order of a billion or more) causes cracks to form and propagate until failure occurs.

some metals (steel is one of them) have a lower limit below which any cyclic loads do not cause fatigue. so a good design involving steel trys to keep below this limit however people dont always get it right see here on tim Hoverd's site the crack in his engine mounting looks like a classic fatigue failure.

with an aluminium structure you dont have this limit to work with so any alu structure with vibrations in it will eventually fail. the time it takes to fail is measure in cycles of the load so a high frequency load will cause failure faster if all esle is kept equal. the number of cycles needed to causes failure depends on the size of the load.

in the aviation industry where fatigue is a big problem they get around it by having limited life parts that are check and replaced before they fail. for a locost it wouldnt be worth it as to get any benefit you would have to completely redesign the chassis to use a box sructure approach like lotus and aston martin use, otherwise you quite probably are either going to have a very flexible chassis or chassis that weighs the same and costs 5x more.

JonBowden - 6/1/06 at 04:42 PM

So, do the recent crop of aluminium bodied cars such as Jags and Audis have a fixed life specified for them as well ?

britishtrident - 6/1/06 at 04:47 PM

Originally posted by cossey
aluminium unlike steel has no lower fatigue limit. i will explain this as so far everyone has got the explaination wrong in some way.


flak monkey - 6/1/06 at 04:56 PM

Originally posted by cossey
aluminium unlike steel has no lower fatigue limit. i will explain this as so far everyone has got the explaination wrong in some way.

In past times I have explained it describing fatigue limits etc. But this time I couldnt be bothered and was about to get kicked out of the IT room

A search on this subject should bring up all you need to know on it.

You can make ali chassis lighter than a steel one. But its no good making it as a spaceframe...

Ali monocoques work very well (Jaguars new cars for example) and have a long life, as loads throughout are not as high as thos transmitted through a spaceframe.

Likewise ali ladder frames, as featured on the Elise and others work well and again have a much longer life than an ali spaceframe. Ladder frames work on the principal that the larger you make the diameter of the tube, the stiffer it becomes. Ever wondered why the sills are so wide on an elise? Thats one of the chassis beams!

A chassis can be made from any material you like, but it has to be designed to make the most of the properties of the material it is being made from. You cannot simply copy a design produced for a steel chassis, and expect it to work as efficiently in aluminium.

I am currently working on a chassis design using sandwich panels. The rules that must be followed are different to those in a spaceframe!

Its worth noting however that any structure subjected to varying or cyclic loads, and made from aluminium will eventually fail through fatigue. If the loads are small and not concetrated then failure will take a long time, and it may be decided that by the time that failure occurs some other part of the product will have failed.


[Edited on 6/1/06 by flak monkey]

britishtrident - 6/1/06 at 04:59 PM

Originally posted by mark chandler
Sorry my post was not very clear.

My frame is still steel, its just where you sit that I have chosen to delete the steel panels and construct a rigid ali replacement if that makes sence.

This is based upon the information in the kit car analysis doc provided by gretrix where he builds the tunnel and floor in steel reducing weight and increasing rigidity.

If you put a light alloy tunnel in it won't take any significant load and contribute practically zero to the torsional stiffness --- the reason being the much lower Youngs modulus of aluminium alloys.

The tunnel structure was a latter add-on the original Lotus Seven structure didn't have it but it is required with the massive increases engine power since the days when Lotus Sevens were fitted with Ford Pop sidevavle engines.

The tunnel contributes a lot to the stiffness of the rear cockpit bulkhead.

[Edited on 6/1/06 by britishtrident]

cymtriks - 6/1/06 at 07:36 PM

A spaceframe, as in a typical kit car, relies on the triangulation of its tubes to give it both stiffness and strength. Most kit car spaceframes don't have the right triangulation in the right places to get anywhere near there best results. Check my mods as posted on here or read them in kitcaranalysis in the files section of; these mods show how reconsidering the chassis a little can make very worthwhile improvements.

Aluminium can be used to make very light structures. But not spaceframes. as has been said above it's a third of the weight but also a third of the strength in tension or compression so to get the same strength as a steel spaceframe you'd need to triple the amount of metal which gives you the same weight as a steel chassis only with worse fatigue life and at higher cost. Pointless.

So why do some cars use aluminium "spaceframes"?

The answer is simple. They don't. All those "spaceframes" rely on the strength of the beam section in them and not the triangulation. In fact if you look at any of these chassis you'll notice something about the structure, there's no triangulation but there are very big, compared to locost chassis, tubes.

Large diameter tubes are, weight for weight, stiffer and less stressed than small diameter ones.

Take a 4x2 14gauge (100x50 2mm wall) tube in steel and a 5x2.5 10gauge (125x64 3mm wall) aluminium tube.

The aluminium tube will be as stiff as the steel tube but only 2/3 of the weight.

replacing a steel panel with an aluminium one 1.5x the thickness gives the same buckling resistance but with only half the weight.

These two facts are how the mass produced aluminium frames work. They're not spaceframes as we know them, in fact they're closer in concept to ladder frames.

I love speed :-P - 6/1/06 at 08:05 PM

Originally posted by JonBowden
So, do the recent crop of aluminium bodied cars such as Jags and Audis have a fixed life specified for them as well ?

A while ago i was talking to someone who designs rear sub frames for a luxury car manufacture, he was showing me one and said that it has to last for 300,000km and i asked about the fact its made from alu and he replied that its not ideal and the car is only expected to last 300,000km so it will be ok, he then added that he wouldnt buy one which has done more than 300.000km

Fred W B - 7/1/06 at 10:11 AM

Adding these 1.6 mm ally pressed up side boxed panels to the sides of my proto middy chassis increased torsional rigidity from 2700 ft/lb/Deg to 5700 ft/lb/fl/Deg.


Fred WB


britishtrident - 7/1/06 at 01:51 PM

Originally posted by Fred W B
Adding these 1.6 mm ally pressed up side boxed panels to the sides of my proto middy chassis increased torsional rigidity from 2700 ft/lb/Deg to 5700 ft/lb/fl/Deg.


Fred WB

Much the same as Ron Taurnac did on F1 Brabahams in the late 60s.
The torsional stiffness gain is because the ally sheet material round out side of the structure --- ie considerable distant from the the neutral axis. However normally I wouldn't expect so big a gain --- I would guess you used relative thick material ?

britishtrident - 7/1/06 at 01:55 PM

Many production cars including my own R75 use alloy lower wishbones other production cars like the Mondeo use wishbones made of steel pressings --- the Mondeo wishbone is lighter it weighs next to nothing.

smart51 - 7/1/06 at 07:31 PM

Originally posted by britishtrident
Many production cars including my own R75 use alloy lower wishbones other production cars like the Mondeo use wishbones made of steel pressings --- the Mondeo wishbone is lighter it weighs next to nothing.

A cast alloy wishbone with machined mounting faces will be dimensionally more accurate than a two piece welded steel pressing. You have to choose between accuracy / cost / weight.

I worked on a machine to set up the toe / camber angles for a production axle for a major car company a few years ago. It was welded up from a number of pressings. Their philosophy seemed to be make it from really cheap and inaccurate stuff and then adjust the eccentric bolts to get the accuracy spot on. It did seem to work.

907 - 8/1/06 at 01:25 AM

When aluminium is manufactured it is cast into large billets.
As it cools and solidifies it forms into crystals that are uniform in shape and size.
Diagram A below is a simplified version of what might be seen under magnification.
In this state it has a tensile strength of 4 to 6 tons/sq inch. (steel is 25 to 30)

Aluminium is however extremely malleable and can be cold formed into usable shapes,
rolled into sheet, drawn through dies, or drawn over mandrels to form hollow sections.

This stretches and compresses the crystal structure as in diagram B.
This has the effect of greatly increasing the tensile strength, depending on the amount. (Work hardening).

Unfortunately, when we then weld this structure, we locally anneal it and in the weld itself
reform the crystals as in diagram A, and consequently back to it's lower tensile strength.

Diagram C shows a welded fabrication similar to areas of a chassis.
The main structure would be strong, but the red areas would be weak.
Under load, either constant, but more so alternating, these areas would be prone to failure.

So it's glue, bond, rivet or bolt.
Welding this type of structure is a no no.

Paul G Rescued attachment Al-structure-merge-s.jpg
Rescued attachment Al-structure-merge-s.jpg

britishtrident - 8/1/06 at 04:02 PM

Nicely put 907

907 - 8/1/06 at 05:13 PM

Originally posted by britishtrident
Nicely put 907


I just wish I could "do" electrics, spray paint, and take things off engines without loosing the skin off me knuckles.

Paul G

02GF74 - 9/1/06 at 09:57 AM

Originally posted by cymtriks

Aluminium can be used to make very light structures. But not spaceframes. as has been said above it's a third of the weight but also a third of the strength in tension or compression so to get the same strength as a steel spaceframe you'd need to triple the amount of metal which gives you the same weight as a steel chassis only with worse fatigue life and at higher cost. Pointless.

hmmm, I looked up some aluminium alloy data in the past and yes, it is 1/3rd the weight but approx. 1/2 strength in its raw form; there are alloy that approach steel in strength (the word being used in the vaguest non engineering sense).

flak monkey - 9/1/06 at 10:17 AM

Most of the alloys that approach steel in strength do so through solution heat treatment and precipitation hardening. When you weld these alloys they effective temper and return to the strength of normal ali (within a bit). To get the strength back you need to heat treat the whole chassis once it has been welded, not easy!

As has been said, ali is ok for some structures, but not for spaceframes.
