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chassis front width
dmottaway - 10/3/03 at 04:04 PM

when building a book chassis, can somebody tell me how far apart the suspension brackets are?

Not the width of the wish bones, but the distance between the centers of the bolt holes of the top brackets (left and right) and then the same measurement for the bottoms. To clarify one step farther, if you put a rod through both top brackets on one side and another rod through both brackets on the other side, how far apart would the two rods be?

And the two rods should be parallel to the center line of the chassis, shouldn't they?

As an aside, what is TOL?


Barker - 26/3/03 at 01:26 PM

not sure its measured but will depend on your hub height. the top and bottom wishbone should be more or less parralel when its all connected up I think.


Hornet - 26/3/03 at 03:47 PM

you already asked that question and replyed happily to answers????? (Earlier post) wot you on?

dmottaway - 27/3/03 at 04:13 PM

you are right, I already asked that question! somehow, the question got posted twice the same day. I got your answer, and it was exactly what I was looking for. Thank you. I am in the planning stages trying to decide on "basically book" or McSorley plans.

thanx again

Alan B - 27/3/03 at 05:11 PM


TOL = the other list

It is the yahoo locost list of which I am a moderator. From time to time certain disagreements take place (not sure why, I like both this forum and the list...they have a place IMO)

Are you on the Locost NA list? I suspect you are....

Alan B

dmottaway - 6/4/03 at 08:28 PM

Yes, Alan, I am on the NA list. And theory, Oz, UK, and others. Can't have too much info.

Trying to duplicate a book chassis in NA. That is why I asked the previous question.

Now I need to know the distance between pivot points of the king pin on the book recommended uprights. And the KPI.

I am using an RX7 donor and the uprights give me the flexibility to configure them just about any way I want.

Early on in my history with the Yahoo lists, it was pounded into my head that I am not building an F-1 car. Just relax about the details. So, rather than do my own calulations about suspension geometry, I figure I can duplicate the book and have a satisfactory, safe car.


JohnFol - 7/4/03 at 08:22 AM

Alan, so can you tell me why 99/100 Yahoo fails topost my messages?

Alan B - 7/4/03 at 12:16 PM

No sorry idea how it works.....perhaps James would know.....

I can ask if you want?

jbmcsorley - 16/6/03 at 08:43 PM

Hi Dave,

I am also using an RX7 donor with nearly the book's mounting points for the upper and lower 'bones....

I found that a good height for our uprights is between 9 and 10 inches... balljoint center-to-center.

Of course, a lot of factors will influence how well it works (tire hieght, chassis height, track width, on and on an on....)

I'm just going with 9.5 inches and that's the way it is. If it doesn't work quite right, I can get new RX7 struts for $20 and new upper wishbones (of the design that I'm using) will run about $40.

So, it's a $60 mistake if it does't work the first time.... chalk it up to prototyping costs.

-Jim M.

PS - email me direct and I can share more detailed drawings, etc.