I bought 5 0.6 and 5 0.8 welding tips thinking they would fit my euro torch, they don't, so I will post them free of charge to the first person
who wants them. they will fit the small hobby mig type mig welder not the euro torch type, such as the smaller clarke welders and similiar such
Me please! I'm down to my last one!
Fine no problem, just to be clear they are for the smaller hobby welder types, send me a u2u with your details and I will post them
[Edited on 30/4/07 by Minicooper]
U2U on it's way sir!
Ebay link He always has a few lots on. You'll probably never run out again.
Originally posted by Peteff
Ebay link He always has a few lots on. You'll probably never run out again.