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nose cone
deanwilson - 3/8/07 at 05:25 PM

hi there i am in the early stages of building the chassis and i am at the nose cone i am using the new book not the old one and i just cant get the angles for the nose cone to slant back any help would be a gratful

macdave69 - 3/8/07 at 05:35 PM

do you mean you are building the front of the chassis and you can't get the correct angle or you can't get the nose cone to sit right?

If it is the chassis, you need to build a jig.
Take a look at the Roadster forum,
there are a number of tutorials which help explain difficult areas better

worX - 3/8/07 at 05:38 PM

Hi Dean,

it might be a slight help if you say which new book - there are two I'm afraid!

The Chris Gibbs one has quite a clear diagram for the "nosecone" frame on page 36 and the 2nd edition book by Ron Champion has a not-very-good diagram on page 49.

If you have no luck with these then let us know!


deanwilson - 3/8/07 at 05:41 PM

it is the new book by chris and its the front chassis bit

macdave69 - 3/8/07 at 05:41 PM

Originally posted by worX

The Chris Gibbs one has quite a clear diagram for the "nosecone" frame on page 36 and the 2nd edition book by Ron Champion has a not-very-good diagram on page 49.


Sounds like two of us using both books to work out how to build these things!

macdave69 - 3/8/07 at 05:44 PM

Originally posted by deanwilson
it is the new book by chris and its the front chassis bit

Have you built the jig to set the angle up?

deanwilson - 3/8/07 at 05:47 PM

yeah i hav but i just anit getting it i mite just be that i have been at it all day trying to work it out and its proberly best if i go at it with a clear mind it might help

worX - 3/8/07 at 05:47 PM

I'm afraid I didn't use either of the books to build my chassis I bought a comprehensive kit from a manufacturer to my detriment...

The Diagram and the Pictoral view in the Chris Gibbs book on p36 is very good...


Originally posted by macdave69
Originally posted by worX

The Chris Gibbs one has quite a clear diagram for the "nosecone" frame on page 36 and the 2nd edition book by Ron Champion has a not-very-good diagram on page 49.


Sounds like two of us using both books to work out how to build these things!

macdave69 - 3/8/07 at 05:49 PM

Always helps to take a fresh look but asI said earlier there is a tutorial on the haynes forum which explains how to construct the front frame

deanwilson - 3/8/07 at 05:52 PM

what would that totoral be under on the haynes site

worX - 3/8/07 at 05:52 PM

You could make the Jig better than it is in the book if you wanted quite simply by having larger ends on the horizontal part of the jig. If you also made those larger ends the thickness of the material, you would prevent the pieces moving left and right, but you could also then place a clamp over it and make it not twist at all when being welded. (if you can picture what I mean!?!)


macdave69 - 3/8/07 at 05:54 PM

its in Announcements and titled contructing the front frame, there are 3 tutorials, step by step. Although my chassis was built by Martin Keenan, a number of people have used the tutorial with a result

there are actually 4 tutorials
1a 1b 2 and 3
good luck

[Edited on 3/8/07 by macdave69]

deanwilson - 3/8/07 at 06:07 PM

thanks i hav found the three stage bit i am just printing it off now as i write this its

macdave69 - 3/8/07 at 06:17 PM

1a is on the second page, don'tforget that one