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What size P clips?
Mark G - 29/3/08 at 05:01 PM

I'm nearly at the stage where I need to fix my brake pipes to the chassis. I've found some P clips on Ebay but I'm didn't measure the size of the brake pipe before I came home (Doh!!).

Does anyone know the diameter of a standard brake pipe?

Ebay P Clips, Are these suitable?

zzr1100rick2 - 29/3/08 at 05:18 PM

most brake pipe is 3/16th

cossiebri - 29/3/08 at 07:49 PM

Maplin have a good selection of plastic p clips,cheap as well

RichardK - 29/3/08 at 11:05 PM

What about these? Linky

gazza285 - 30/3/08 at 12:41 AM


Mark G - 30/3/08 at 11:36 AM

Cool thanks all.