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20 Questions nearly
Richard L - 3/2/04 at 05:27 PM

Hi, been on with an Indy when business commitments allow for a while now, in the process of getting back to it big style and have several questions which need answered, most of it will have been on here before but I can't be bothered trailing through...better just to ask those who know!!!!
Here goes
1 I'm using a 5 speed Sierra box, which clutch cable will I need, won't the Std Sierra one be a bit long?
2 Where can I get an inline (hydraulic) brake light switch to go in the pipes?
3 Where can I get a rod/ horseshoe type bracket for linking the master cylinder and brake pedal?
4 Which radiator do I need, I heard Micra but which model mk1 or mk2 Micra?
5 Whats the easiest way to mount the nosecone to the chassis?

Mk-Ninja - 3/2/04 at 05:38 PM

Right Ill answer what I can then Im sure others will answer as well.

2 Brake light switch available from most half decent car spsres shops, or you could get one from MK.

3 Bearing Services should be able to help you on that one.

4 I think they both fit OK, Ive got a Micra one but I dont know which model, it fits fine, have a look on MK9Rs web site for mounting it.

5 Ive put two hinges under the front edge to the front of the chasis, then two bolt to the top rail, this allows easy access to the rad. Again have a look on MK9Rs web pages as it will tell you how to line it all up.

HTH Gordon

Ps cant help with point 1 Im doing a BEC

scoobyis2cool - 3/2/04 at 07:37 PM

here's my two-pence-worth (or however that saying goes):

2) I got my brake light switch from MK, it came with their brake line kit already screwed into one of the pipes (you can move it if you like though)

3) I got the brake pedal clevis (horseshoe bit) from MK when I picked up my kit, only a couple of quid and its a nice piece of kit for what it is. You don't get the rod with that but you just need to get a piece of threaded rod and cut it to length. I haven't done that bit yet but shouldnt be hard...

hope that helps a bit


bob - 3/2/04 at 10:51 PM

Hi richard

1/ i have fitted a MK 3/4 cortina clutch cable mainly because its adjustable.

2/my inline pressure brake switch came from but i think you can get them from as well,M10 fitting seems best as its same as ford.

3/my clevis and pushrod came from (rally design)i dont it was was more than £3.

4/mk2 escort on mine as its easier to fit pipe wise,but next time it will be an early polo rad as in zetecs photo archive.

5/ i've got two dzus fasteners on bottom of nosecone and a couple of latches on top inside,have a look in my photo archive.

hope this all helps

macspeedy - 4/2/04 at 09:55 PM

have fitted standard clutch cable

an easier rad to fit and qual of fit is from a capri pinto version very similar to the cortina rad

a few rivnuts a long the top of the chassis and possibley some foam