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Pics on Pinto manifold?
Jonte - 18/4/04 at 10:03 AM

Anyone here that uses Pinto engine with manifold on right side and exits through the bonnet (not sidepanel).
Need pics and maybe a supplier.

matt_claydon - 18/4/04 at 11:54 AM

Try MK. Most people building an Indy will use their exhaust so check out their galleries (including mine).


macspeedy - 18/4/04 at 04:53 PM

i used standard mk bonnet with there manifold see archive

(why can't i attach a pic from here?)

Peteff - 18/4/04 at 05:55 PM

Because there isn't an add attachment facility. Put it in website problems and Chris might fix it.

bob - 18/4/04 at 07:17 PM

Pleny pics of zorst out of bonnet and over top rail in my archive too