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mk owners club
lewis - 12/8/10 at 08:21 AM

joined the mk owners club,no one on there, that was a waste of £10 anyone else feel its a bit rubbish over there? not recieved my membership number/card yet,this is bugging me as i need it to claim a discount on my car insurance,i have pm'd the admin and asked about this in a post but no response, funny as they took the money pretty dam quick!!

JeffJeffers - 12/8/10 at 08:24 AM

I joined about 6 months ago and still haven't heard anything. I had forgotten all about it but I did chase it for 2 weeks after I joined but got nowhere.

graememk - 12/8/10 at 08:24 AM

i have emailed Andy for you.

lewis - 12/8/10 at 08:36 AM

Originally posted by graememk
i have emailed Andy for you.

thanks mate i cant remember who i contacted but any response would be great.

there are a few people griping about the same thing,a bit slack considering you have to pay a fee to join.

mad4x4 - 12/8/10 at 08:50 AM

I was a member gave access to site - Could never get password to work os gave up - Waste of a £10

MikeFellows - 12/8/10 at 09:17 AM

same here

spent my £10 heard nothing

I might start a paypal claim

Bluemoon - 12/8/10 at 12:41 PM

As an aside that may help you some insurance company's will take payed up member ship of this site as club membership (2gether for example)...

silky16v - 16/8/10 at 11:53 AM

yep same here complete waste of money
+ my insurance company wouldn't reconise LB as a club but would MK Owners Club hense me paying the £10 membership!
Someone is pocketing some money as you get nothing for your £10

ASH3 - 16/8/10 at 08:31 PM

How rude someone is pocketing some money
!!! So who organises the show pitches who
sorts the owners club clothing the site is what
our members make it same as on here.If
anyone has a problem contact me direct. My
contact details have always been on the site.
We do the site out of our affection for our MK
product not for any profit.

silky16v - 17/8/10 at 03:21 PM

Originally posted by ASH3
How rude someone is pocketing some money
!!! So who organises the show pitches who
sorts the owners club clothing the site is what
our members make it same as on here.If
anyone has a problem contact me direct. My
contact details have always been on the site.
We do the site out of our affection for our MK
product not for any profit.

well i see nothing for my return of £10 i've posted up 4 times now on the MK site as to where our memberships are and guess what no reply.

I get no emails about events no link about clothing absolutely nothing.

I'd advise to go check the forum regarding the memberships its not only me who is a little miffed off

Bass1st - 19/8/10 at 08:30 PM

I got my membership card in good time, but the web site is a little quiet. Not been invited to any events. Might take another look now you have reminded me!

silky16v - 26/8/10 at 12:14 PM

even after all the replys on here and on MK owners club guess what NOT 1 person has replied to me and now my insurance company are wanting to increase my premium cause i can't provide membership details

needforspeed - 27/9/10 at 08:36 PM

ive had no membership either

Ratt100 - 6/10/10 at 02:36 AM

Don't worry all, I'm on the case! The only reason theres been a big delay with membership cards is because we ran out and didn't get a new batch made up in time. No excuse, I know, and we do apologise. But for the next couple of weeks you are all my priority. I've started work on a new, fresh looking, simpler site and have plans for a system that will make things easier our end (for getting things in the post etc). I've put a post up on our own forum about it with some more details anyway. I'm spending every moment of my free time right now on the club, and I promise you'll see a difference very soon

Thanks all.

[Edited on 6/10/10 by Ratt100]