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Indy R radiator
Breaker - 17/8/10 at 09:23 PM

Has anyone already used the famous "polo rad" (VW2038) to fit in an Indy R or is fitting impossible because of the inboard suspension ?

jack_t - 17/8/10 at 09:26 PM

got one on mine fits fine keeps it nice and cool aswell

main82000 - 17/8/10 at 09:53 PM

hello where are you guys ordering that from mk or else where

jack_t - 17/8/10 at 10:04 PM

main82000 - 17/8/10 at 10:10 PM

thankyou nice looking prices did you get the fan etc from there as well and what mods did you have to do

jack_t - 17/8/10 at 10:37 PM

didnt have to mod anything used the rad brackets you can get from mk which are just 2 bits of bent ally so i cross braced them them, had to get a fan switch and fan from elsewhere cbs i think i got mine from and just mounted and had no problems since

A1 - 17/8/10 at 10:54 PM

I had one of the polo-esq ones that mk sold me but replaced it with a hayabusa one cause it was keeping it too cold (76 degrees)

Rocket_Rabbit - 19/8/10 at 12:41 AM

Originally posted by A1
I had one of the polo-esq ones that mk sold me but replaced it with a hayabusa one cause it was keeping it too cold (76 degrees)

Did your Hyabusa not have a thermostat?!?