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hobzy - 23/8/10 at 04:26 PM

Due to this: on Sunday,

I need a new lower wishbone and cycle stays for the drivers side. as well as new front wing and nosecone. (And pants).

Obviously need to get the chassis checked but cant see any buckling or bending so fingers crossed.

2 things:

Anyone got the MK pricelist handy? its not working on the webby and they never answer the phone bless em.

2nd thing:
Seen numerous commments about the way the front doesnt have enough camber /self centring etc. Is now a chance to sort this out and if so whats the best way to go about it?

stevebubs - 23/8/10 at 04:32 PM

can't help with the above, but impressed with the parking...

stevebubs - 23/8/10 at 04:32 PM

BTW ... "bugger" is the phrase that springs to mind for the situation...

lewis - 23/8/10 at 04:33 PM

At least you are ok!! And the car can be sorted quite easily,still not a good thing to see pics like this make me cringe :-(

Ivan - 23/8/10 at 04:33 PM

Oh no *#$@ wet roads and powerful light cars lead to damaged hedges - hope only your ego got bruised.

scoop - 23/8/10 at 04:44 PM

Ouch. Sorry to see that. You okay apart from the wrecked undies?

bmseven - 23/8/10 at 04:50 PM

Not the first and sadly won't be the last

hobzy - 23/8/10 at 04:55 PM

I'm fine apart from being nobbed off with myself. Entirely my fault and should never have gone out in the first place but was on the way to the PH meet at Rolls Royce and couldnt resist taking her out. Believe it or not its about 20 yards outside my village... complacency bites. Managed to drive it home after a couple of blokes helped me pull it out.

hobzy - 23/8/10 at 04:56 PM



Fubared wishbone:

Rivnuts did their job and popped through so should be ok with big washers etc - I have a rear arch left over from last years spin. Fingers crossed the new light will cover the old holes

Brought plenty of the hedge back with me. After clearing out the debris I can't see any chassis damage but will obviously need to get it checked.

scootz - 23/8/10 at 05:06 PM

Ouch indeed... glad you're ok!

How did the landowner react to his flattened hedge?

leemarkadams - 23/8/10 at 05:10 PM

Bloody Hell mate...not again! Glad you are Ok as that is the main thing.


graememk - 23/8/10 at 05:15 PM

i would tidy up those brake lins in the above pic whilst your doing repairs as well mate...

bad look but easy fix, and i think we all secretly love building more than driving.

[Edited on 23/8/10 by graememk]

mangogrooveworkshop - 23/8/10 at 05:17 PM

Originally posted by bmseven
Not the first and sadly won't be the last

Aye last weekend we had a head on with a four by four......on a single track blind rise 43 degree corner......4x4 man looked right over us....
God bless Euro fronts......
we left a large hole in the 4x4.....

My back and neck have been complaining ......
and the cars needing everything forward from the head lights.

jase380 - 23/8/10 at 05:19 PM

nosecone, bargain price of 143 quid, front cycle wings 82 quid a pair, front wishbones 174 quid ( upper and lower i think ) , asda do 3 packs of undercrackers for a fiver !!

dhutch - 23/8/10 at 05:19 PM

Balls, thought about a spin out in the westy today and would have gone for it if it had not come on to shower again. But there not much fun on wet roads are they!

Good look with patching it all up again!

hobzy - 23/8/10 at 05:26 PM

Originally posted by graememk
i would tidy up those brake lins in the above pic whilst your doing repairs as well mate...

bad look but easy fix, and i think we all secretly love building more than driving.

[Edited on 23/8/10 by graememk]

Not built by me but you're right on the brake lines and it still needs a new MC anyway so now dont have to worry about matching them up.

ruskino80 - 23/8/10 at 05:27 PM

remember the first drive in the wet---i said you must take it easy!! glad your ok. chassis does look ok,but youy tell us-how much of a thump did it take?


hobzy - 23/8/10 at 05:42 PM

Originally posted by ruskino80
remember the first drive in the wet---i said you must take it easy!! glad your ok. chassis does look ok,but you tell us-how much of a thump did it take?


Hello Rich! Hows things?
Sorry you have to see it like this

Uncanny that I drove it all the way back from you in the pi$$ing rain on the first drive and still did this 500 yards from home.

Thump wise, I felt no real bump at all - the split fence post that did the damage was ancient and pretty rotten and wasn't the first thing I hit - didn't even know I'd hit it until I saw it in the road behind the car, and as far as I can tell the wishbone and light bar took all the force before chucking said post over my shoulder and ripping off the back arch. The bank did a good job of slowing me down and the hedge acted like a cushion. I'd accelerated from the 30 limit but hadnt gone more than 40 yards before it lost the back end - right about where a big square manhole is.

While you're on, did you use a sierra MC on it?

ruskino80 - 23/8/10 at 05:58 PM

yes it was a ford mc from a 1990 2L sierra.
just looking at the bolts clamping the rack,they dont appear to have shifted at all also all the powder coat visible appears to be uncracked so i think it looks good for some bolt on parts!

one of my reasons for selling the car was sadly what has happened hear-i was getting so frustrated with taking the car out in poor road conditions and i knew it would probably end in tears.

let us know how the repairs go.

cheers rich

thinking about it it could have been a mc of a 91 1.8 cvh estate

[Edited on 23/8/10 by ruskino80]

kevmcdo - 23/8/10 at 06:14 PM

Double ouch

Main thing is you are ok, the hedge will grow back in time.

Possible time to think of some winter upgrades.....

ashg - 23/8/10 at 07:22 PM

dont look too bad. i was out in the rain hammering around in mine on sunday. could have happened to anyone. you did well not to bend the chassis. It may be worth getting the measurements from mk just to check everything is in the correct place. there is no point spending money fixing it to find out it a banana afterwards.

glad to hear you didnt hurt yourself or anyone else.

mookaloid - 23/8/10 at 07:23 PM

well I think it's very brave of you to show that first picture.

if your local bobby is looking for the person who was driving carelessly and who damaged the farmers hedge and he sees that pic, he will be very happy... evidence of driving with undue care and attention I think M'lud.

Just in my humble opinion of course - glad you are ok it could have been much worse.

craig1410 - 23/8/10 at 07:41 PM

Originally posted by mookaloid
well I think it's very brave of you to show that first picture.

if your local bobby is looking for the person who was driving carelessly and who damaged the farmers hedge and he sees that pic, he will be very happy... evidence of driving with undue care and attention I think M'lud.

Just in my humble opinion of course - glad you are ok it could have been much worse.

I would think if he did this 40 yds out of his village then a photo on is the least of his worries...

I'm sure he will have spoken to the landowner already anyway. If not then it might be an idea.

Also, no reason to think he was being reckless. Sometimes an accident is just an accident. I'm sure the police are too busy trying to figure out how to spend their much reduced budget.

[Edited on 23/8/2010 by craig1410]

DavidM - 23/8/10 at 08:01 PM

Your upper wishbone looks to have some rippling in the tube in two of those pictures. It would be worth checking that out.


bmseven - 23/8/10 at 08:08 PM

Originally posted by kevmcdo
Double ouch

Main thing is you are ok, the hedge will grow back in time.

Possible time to think of some winter upgrades.....

A track day might be better

hobzy - 23/8/10 at 08:23 PM

Originally posted by craig1410
Originally posted by mookaloid
well I think it's very brave of you to show that first picture.

if your local bobby is looking for the person who was driving carelessly and who damaged the farmers hedge and he sees that pic, he will be very happy... evidence of driving with undue care and attention I think M'lud.

Just in my humble opinion of course - glad you are ok it could have been much worse.

I would think if he did this 40 yds out of his village then a photo on is the least of his worries...

I'm sure he will have spoken to the landowner already anyway. If not then it might be an idea.

Also, no reason to think he was being reckless. Sometimes an accident is just an accident. I'm sure the police are too busy trying to figure out how to spend their much reduced budget.

[Edited on 23/8/2010 by craig1410]

Its a horse paddock and a gentleman mucking out offered to help. I've been back since but there was no one there. I go past everyday so when I see someone I was planning to find out who the landowner was and offer to help repair the damage - the horses cant escape as I didn't go all the way through and the fencing is well buried within the hedge and mostly broken up anyway.

As for DC and A, it would be an interesting case, as I was doing just over half the limit on a straight road in the wet. The same constabulary didn't see fit to do anything about the lorry driver that decided to leave his illegally parked place and drive over the front of my stationary tintop, so it would be an interesting conversation...

The car is reasonably well known in the village and everyone knows I drive quietly and calmly on my way in/out.

Ironically the scamera crew were out in the village later that day...

LBMEFM - 23/8/10 at 08:24 PM

Did the same on the A2-M2 slip road in the wet, luckily I missed everything. You feel so so stupid. Not too much damage for you, good luck with the chassis check.

hobzy - 23/8/10 at 08:34 PM

Originally posted by bmseven
Originally posted by kevmcdo
Double ouch

Main thing is you are ok, the hedge will grow back in time.

Possible time to think of some winter upgrades.....

A track day might be better

Funnily enough I was in the process of booking a training day with MSE...

It'll have to wait now

nitram38 - 23/8/10 at 10:08 PM

Sorry to hear you had an accident

I know you don't want to hear this, but your comment "Seen numerous commments about the way the front doesnt have enough camber /self centring etc. Is now a chance to sort this out and if so whats the best way to go about it?", does seem a bit strange.

Was this part of the cause of losing control?
If so, this should hi-light to everybody how thinking of self centring as an after thought is not wise.
I still can't beleive that this is still an issue on manufactured cars

Bluemoon - 24/8/10 at 07:51 AM

Originally posted by nitram38
Sorry to hear you had an accident

I know you don't want to hear this, but your comment "Seen numerous commments about the way the front doesnt have enough camber /self centring etc. Is now a chance to sort this out and if so whats the best way to go about it?", does seem a bit strange.

Was this part of the cause of losing control?
If so, this should hi-light to everybody how thinking of self centring as an after thought is not wise.
I still can't beleive that this is still an issue on manufactured cars

I would doubt lack of caster had anything to do with it. The looks to me like the rear end let go on the manhole cover.. I would expect hands where on the wheel at the time as well..

But if your getting new bones it would be a time to fix the caster issue.

Good luck with the re-build hope the chassis is as straight as it looks in the photos.


[Edited on 24/8/10 by Bluemoon]

hobzy - 24/8/10 at 01:15 PM

Originally posted by Bluemoon
Originally posted by nitram38
Sorry to hear you had an accident

I know you don't want to hear this, but your comment "Seen numerous commments about the way the front doesnt have enough camber /self centring etc. Is now a chance to sort this out and if so whats the best way to go about it?", does seem a bit strange.

Was this part of the cause of losing control?
If so, this should hi-light to everybody how thinking of self centring as an after thought is not wise.
I still can't beleive that this is still an issue on manufactured cars

I would doubt lack of caster had anything to do with it. The looks to me like the rear end let go on the manhole cover.. I would expect hands where on the wheel at the time as well..

But if your getting new bones it would be a time to fix the caster issue.

Good luck with the re-build hope the chassis is as straight as it looks in the photos.


[Edited on 24/8/10 by Bluemoon]

Precisely my thoughts. It wasn't an issue in the spin - driver error was, but as you say, if I have to get new bones then 3 years on here seem to indicate it makes sense to sort it out. Clearly money wise I would love to just replace the damaged lower wishbone, but after all, if its going to improve known issues why not do it now?

As I didn't build the car, I am learning each time something is replaced or fettled and am rather enjoying it! Rich did a fantastic job with the original build but there are always improvements to be made when not limited to the original build budget. Don't tell the missus though or she'll think I span it on purpose

hobzy - 24/8/10 at 01:17 PM

Checked top bone just now too - think the shapes in the pic are water or mud as there's not a ripple or mark on it in the flesh.

David Jenkins - 24/8/10 at 04:36 PM

Have a REALLY good look at where the wishbone tubes are welded to the bush tubes, and at the bush tubes themselves.

It's not unknown for them to break there, and yours have just had a hard bump...

I think you were lucky to get away with such little damage, all things considered!

Bluemoon - 24/8/10 at 04:52 PM

Originally posted by David Jenkins
Have a REALLY good look at where the wishbone tubes are welded to the bush tubes, and at the bush tubes themselves.

Yep agree, once you have them off it will be easy enough.. Remeber that there black (and so will the cracks be!) so you will have to look very carefully around and about the welds..

hobzy - 24/8/10 at 05:10 PM

Will do chaps - ta for the advice. Will get it all checked by a pro as well - Southways Automotive is just down the road and they'll hopefully take a look at the chassis for me when its rolling again.

leemarkadams - 19/11/10 at 05:35 AM

Hobzy, any updates????

hobzy - 20/11/10 at 11:51 AM

Shes hidden away in the garage at the moment - works been mental and I just haven't had time to sort her out.

spdpug98 - 20/11/10 at 02:35 PM

Originally posted by hobzy
Shes hidden away in the garage at the moment - works been mental and I just haven't had time to sort her out.

How you doing...far too long since we last caught up!

I am still more than happy to pop round and give you a hand if needed, even if you end up sorting it in the new year

hobzy - 20/11/10 at 10:44 PM

Cheers matey. Will keep you posted.

mkben.21 - 24/11/10 at 12:07 AM

Hey, I'm Sorry to see this has happened to somebody else. I crashed mine last month but unfortunately didn't get away with as little damage. plus i had to pay £300 for the fence repair. so gutted . the question i'd like some help with is; the chassis has bent inwards a little at the upper wishbone mount. I didn't build the car but i'm resonablely handy. Can anyone advise on the best course of action to straighten out the chassis?
Thank you

brookie - 24/11/10 at 05:45 PM

u will be best to put some photo up m8 leyt have a look at it

mkben.21 - 25/1/11 at 05:50 PM

Well i have got round to sorting this project out now and have taken some photos.

Hope that works!! :S

[Edited on 25/1/11 by mkben.21]