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Indy Brake Pedal Dimensions
adam_moore - 13/7/04 at 09:08 AM

I am making my own pedals for my Indy from aluminium but I was wondering if anyone has a drawing or can mark up a photo of them with the dimensions that they use?

i.e pivot centres, pivot to pedal distance etc for the brake, clutch and throttle pedals.

Also I was wondering what sort ot angle the pedals sit forward at when assembled relative to the floor (or vertical).

Cheers, Adam

alister667 - 13/7/04 at 04:21 PM

There's a pic of my pedals on my site

I don't have dimensions, but you can see for yourself.
Also I'm not sure but I wouldn't like aluminium pedals myself. You WILL be standing (and I mean STANDING!) on the brake pedal at some point when you're going, and I know the MK steel pedals will not let me down. Aluminium I'm not so sure about.
Also my clevis pin point for the brake pedal has moved (closer to the pivot) since that pic was taken to make the brake softer.
Good luck

[Edited on 13/7/04 by alister667]

theconrodkid - 13/7/04 at 05:02 PM

my brake pedal is twice the length as standard,improves the braking a bit

adam_moore - 14/7/04 at 07:47 AM

I've used a different design where I have 2 ribs instead of one braced together and made from a high grade aluminium. I did some FEA to verify the design principle.

Because it will have 2 sides, I am using a highly rated rod end sandwiched between the two plates putting both plates in shear rather than just one.

Picture of idea in my photo archive. The design has changed since I did this FEA but any ideas would be appreciated?

Cheers, Adam