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hi from another newbie
whitstella - 21/6/11 at 09:22 PM

hi fokes

i will soon be the proud ower of a part built mk this time next week when i fetch it. just searching for a couple of bits and some info. 1 what is the best aero screen for the mk? 2 can you buy from mk dashboards and boot lids???? and tried to phone mk today but nobody answering do they do a iva pre check test for mk's before they have the test??? and will they finsh a part build???

cheers thats it for now


eddbaz - 22/6/11 at 02:13 AM

Firstly welcome,
As far as I know Mk can supply all the items you need, a good time to call them is on a saturday morning during the week can be a bit hit and miss as they are very busy, I know that they can put a car through the iva for customers but best to give them a ring, if your really struggling to contact them you can try u2u ing Danny keenan on here, he works for them and has always been a great help when I've contacted him.
Hope the build goes well and don't hesitate in posting any questions, however silly they may seem,we all had to start frtom somewhere.