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Getting there!!
shortie - 10/3/05 at 12:33 PM

Got quite excited last night when I realised it's acutally starting to look like a car now so I thought I would post a pic!!


Hellfire - 10/3/05 at 12:48 PM

Looking Good! Hopefully not too long before it's finished, then the serious fun begins........

shortie - 10/3/05 at 12:51 PM

mangogrooveworkshop - 10/3/05 at 01:58 PM

You definatly need those nice ball joint covers

that match your colour scheme

alister667 - 10/3/05 at 04:57 PM

Looks very nice, well done



subk2002 - 10/3/05 at 06:41 PM

I can recommend these covers are superb for SVA. My sva man was well impressed

shortie - 10/3/05 at 10:54 PM

Oh go on then Mango, £5 toa fellow builder??


OX - 10/3/05 at 10:55 PM

nice one shortie,the cars looking well

shortie - 10/3/05 at 11:55 PM

Thanks OX, going to Stafford ??

OX - 11/3/05 at 02:38 PM

yes m8,popping over on sat to pick a diff up.are you going