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It seems my copper brake lines are to short
schnelle bak - 14/6/06 at 08:11 PM

I, ve seen alot of pics about how the brake lines should go throught the rear of the car, but it looks like I have got a to short brake line going to the back, I had to make a bracket to support the 3 way piece, is this oke for sva....??? Rescued attachment CIMG0857.JPG
Rescued attachment CIMG0857.JPG

Hellfire - 14/6/06 at 08:59 PM

Yes it's fine for SVA...

donut - 15/6/06 at 07:13 AM

Can't see any problem there.

02GF74 - 15/6/06 at 07:26 AM

so the 3-way connection is on the end of an L shaped bracket, fixed at one end but not at the other? How thick is the bracket? And can you move it at the connect end?

If so, won't it flop about and possibly over time copper lines fracture?

I'd say it was ever so slightly suspect.... as there is quite a long run of pipe that is not rigidly supported.

Brake pipe is about £10 per roll, enough to do a Lanrover and still have some spare; also there a pipe joiners.

Paul G - 15/6/06 at 07:36 AM

Is it because you've run the brake pipes along the top chassis member of the transmission tunnel? I ran mine along the bottom, coming out under the diff - perhaps your routing has needed a longer distance, hence why they have fallen short.