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***Did I mention I passed? ***
ReMan - 13/7/06 at 10:41 PM

Sorry for the delay in posting
After a not uneventful 2 days, having broke it on the way to it's MOT yesterday afternoon and fixing it at the eleventh hour...
Avoiding a jam on the M1 north and being late to the DVLApre registration inspection....
Just getting to trhe SVA on time, the easiest, most painless bit was the hour and a half in the SVA test!
The good news is it passed with flying colours
More good news I got back to the DVLA with my MAC and did all the registration stuff and paid my tax, they just could'nt issue plates as well in one day, no problem though
The bad news is it broke on the way home
Only a minor? breakdown, a screw had vibrated out of the gearchange linkage support, leaving me stuck in third gear... on the uphill sliproad onto the M!..... close to rushhour....
My support vehicle which was following, piloted by Wil (Givemethebighammer) parked behind and put up a nice big red triangle behinnd his car and we soon had the tools out on the hard shoulder and stripped out the interior tunnel panels to access the gearlinkage, fitted a screw and lockwasher........ And the boys in the big green and yellow vosa 4x4 turn up to tell us that we shouldent be carrying out such repairs on the hard shoulder and could we move it immediatly, not that I was'nt wearing any number plates, but that did get noticed eventually but a quick explanation got us off the hook, couple of screws to hold the cover on and off we jolly well went, nice and steady like, not wanting to braek it again before I got home.....
All going well for about 30 minutes.............
Till I get the blue lights in my mirror....
An obviously tipped off policeman with a big dog had been sent to intercept us............
and pulled me allegedly for having no number plates, which was obviously an offence, until I explained that it was OK as I had just come from an SVA test....
A what?...............
When it got a bit technical, he advised me that a traffic police vehicle was on its way, that knew about this stuff..........
Good I thought, i'll be home soon...........
It was explained to me , in a pre "your nicked son" speech that no vehicle could possibly be allowed on the queens highway without a number plate at least and that they would have no way of aprehending speed camera and other road felloners etc etc and it was patently obvious that the only way to persue such a test would be by trailering or using Trade plates and so I was doomed..................
And I felt sad.............
And you cannot claim custom and practice to be above the law, but felt sure I was not doing anything wrong, but was a bit stumped...........
Till I found in my paperwork box , the original conformation of my appointment at the SVA from VOSA and there at the bottom of the page in little writing, it claerly and unequivocably states that, blah blah blah YOU CAN!!!!
I was saved.............
Well nearly..........
One unhappy policeman, then spent about another 20 minutes, o his phone radio thing, with us still stood sun burning on the hard shoulder, trying to discredit this...and speaking to the top men at VOSA but eventually had to admit defeat...
I was eventually advised , that I was in the clear... just... and I could now continue home...
So I did at about 7.30.....
So I drank beer....
And ate a Chinese takeaway
And got over it
And I'm well chuffed
But watch out, for that one
So... just got to wait a day or two to get my stuff through, but i'm on holiday next week so I don't care, the week after is free, so will be looking at getting the steering and suspension set up and the engine tuned and testing it a lot more
So thanks to all of you who helped get it through today, especially Wil, Shortie and Wayne, but also to all on Locostbuilders who have kept me going.
All the best

Jon Ison - 13/7/06 at 10:42 PM



nick205 - 13/7/06 at 10:47 PM

Sounds like a fun day out

Still a pass is a pass and plates will be on it quick enough.

Fozzie - 13/7/06 at 10:47 PM

Brilliant news Colin

I don't think you will forget that 'getting home' saga very could dine out on the story for weeks!


ATB Fozzie

givemethebighammer - 13/7/06 at 10:52 PM

Just got in myself and yes, I am sun burnt - thanks Mr Plod. Great day in all, but credit to Colin for building a great car (the SVA man even told me this when Colin was driving his car back round to the front of the building after passing the noise test.

stevec - 13/7/06 at 11:00 PM

A day to remember, How it should be.
Good to hear you have the correct attitude to get over it.
Beer and food.

ReMan - 13/7/06 at 11:07 PM

A pass is pass is a pass.
Did I mention I drank some nore beer
A funny bit in the middle was that the Blue light Dog policemen hung around and started being rather apologetic about my predicament and complimentary about the car and interested its potential, whilst the traffic was in touch with Vosa's No1
After being given the all claer he then gave me the verbatim instructions on leaving the hard shoulder after "building up to motorway speed".......
We both started moviing together, so I floored it, up to the legal limit of course..
Well it would have been rude not to?
I got a toot toot and a wave from him as he shot home past me to feed the dog

NigeEss - 13/7/06 at 11:54 PM

Congrats. well done that man

shortie - 14/7/06 at 05:54 AM

One thing of note that Colin didn't mention is that with a standard R1 can on the car and an MK exhaust manifold it was 98db measured by the SVA man! very handy, I think I will be getting an R1 can then!!!

seadog - 14/7/06 at 06:30 AM

Fantastic news Col, well done fella.

donut - 14/7/06 at 06:37 AM

Very well done.

Seems alot of people have passed over the last few weeks!

donut - 14/7/06 at 06:41 AM

Oh and did i mention i passed aswell!!

jonbeedle - 14/7/06 at 07:12 AM

Originally posted by shortie
One thing of note that Colin didn't mention is that with a standard R1 can on the car and an MK exhaust manifold it was 98db measured by the SVA man! very handy, I think I will be getting an R1 can then!!!

I put an R1 can on to beat the noise test. It came in at 89db.

Hellfire - 14/7/06 at 07:54 AM

Well done Colin, from Team Hellfire. Get out there and enjoy the rest of summer.

ayoungman - 14/7/06 at 08:53 AM

Well done. It does just show you that coppers are human/falible too. Having all the SVA documents on you is a good idea

ReMan - 14/7/06 at 10:42 AM

Just to add a few more details and thoughts, now I'm recovering....

The test went really well, no prejudice was shown towards the bike engine, nor no reverse.
In fact a colleage was called by the inspector to come and see/hear what a nice but restrained? noise it was making, as Shortie mentioned, it's an R1 standard can the only mods are to its tailpipe and joint sleeve to fit, so that was a good buy measured at 98 dB at 7000.
Other points of note were a comment on the proffesional look of the TRE and upper ball joint covers, £10 a pair but worth it I think, will probably leave them on as the look nice.
The rear lights were fine but for the radius around the screw holes, easilly fixed with a blob of clear silicone....
And of course the trademark MK joint of doom, again silicon sealanted
Oh and it weighed in at 490 Kg, which I thinks OK considering the Cobra seats and runners, std sierra disks and calipers all round and LSD.
Another point of warning, I was lucky as I fortunatly found the documented evidence allowing me to drive to the SVA unregistered, I don'y know where you would find theat written evidence to drive it to an pre SVA MOT, anyone?

SVA Passed1
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SVA Passed6

skidude88 - 14/7/06 at 10:49 AM

A belated congrats

(ISP's been down all morning)

A saga and a half gettin' back then!

You'd think you'd be given an offical document to say you can at least drive it home!

omega 24 v6 - 14/7/06 at 08:07 PM

Well done. double bonus points for getting one over on the plod (who IMHO should bloody well know their job (traffic that is)).
Take it easy on the road and keep to the limits (you know they'll be looking to get even).