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Just a general Hello!
StevieB - 27/8/06 at 07:35 PM

Just a general hello to all to introduce myself.

I've just started down the long road of building an Indy R1 - a long awaited project that's bound to result in lots of questions being posted on this site! As you can see, it'll be interesting due to the restricted work space!


Hellfire - 27/8/06 at 07:40 PM

Hello and welcome. I can't see anything and yes my eyes are open and no I'm not blind


StevieB - 27/8/06 at 07:43 PM

Seems I'm having a learning curve at trying to get pictures uploaded!

Try again:

StevieB - 27/8/06 at 07:54 PM

And again...

Hellfire - 27/8/06 at 08:07 PM

3rd attempt, I'm impressed. Some people have been using this forum for years and still can't upload pictures.

Building an R1 Indy should be a walk in the park for you

ruskino80 - 27/8/06 at 08:07 PM

which side of york are you?

StevieB - 27/8/06 at 08:16 PM

I'm on the North side of York.

I can't help but think the whole build will be easy - after all, there's not that many parts, so what could possibly go wrong!?!

Hellfire website is excellent as well - reading through it is what helped me chosse between an Indy and a Striker.

MAB - 27/8/06 at 08:19 PM

There are 6 of us in Haxby/wigginton so there is plenty of nearby experience of MK's and other kits if you need any help! - whereabouts in York are you?

Regards, Mark

ruskino80 - 27/8/06 at 08:20 PM

i am only 5 mins from boroughbridge-would only be to happy to come and see you and give you any advice i can
cheers rich

scotlad - 27/8/06 at 08:25 PM

Welcome to the madhouse

StevieB - 27/8/06 at 08:35 PM

Cheers for all the offers of support - I have no doubt I'll be screaming for help at some point (probably when I get away from simple mechanical fabrication to stuff involving wires, fuses and relays)!

I'd be very keen to see any pictures for cars that have kept the R1 switchgear - I'm planning something a bit special for my interior that'll involve as little panelling as possible (might have to do something 'temporary' for SVA though!)

TimC - 28/8/06 at 05:25 AM

Welcome... I think now is the time to invest in a garden shed!

StevieB - 28/8/06 at 08:11 AM

I'm biginning to get the impression a garden store would make the world of difference. Problem is I'm a tight fisted git - hence the reason my garage is only half white washed (I realised the price of a second tin of paint would be better spent on some new brake discs instead!)

Danozeman - 28/8/06 at 08:38 AM

Welcome mate. look forward to seeing the progress of your build.

kurt - 28/8/06 at 05:26 PM

Another welcome. I've just completed an Indy R1 which is going for it's SVA retest on Friday 1st September, so if there's anythng I can assist with I'm only up the road in Durham.

Cheers, Kurt

StevieB - 28/8/06 at 06:03 PM

Cheers Kurt!

Good luck with the dreaded SVA as well!

Pezza - 28/8/06 at 08:16 PM

Welcome chap!
In the process of building an Indy r1, though i've not got it beyond rolling chassis yet as work has been dog slow lol.
Hoping to afford the engine before crimbo so I can actualy get some work done on it! (it's been sat for the last 3 months with sod all done)


StevieB - 29/8/06 at 08:49 AM


Mine's the same. I'm going at snails pace because the quicker I get on with it, the quicker I'll either need to buy the engine or have a frustratingly stangent project while I save the money for one! Best to go slow and get everything annoyingly perfect!