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Indy builders in West Yorkshire
vintagebuilder - 27/8/03 at 10:16 PM

Hope this posting is in the right area. I'm going down to MK weekend after next to order a "starter kit".It would be really use ful if I could contact anyone in West Yorkshire for advice on build etc

MK Goldrush - 28/8/03 at 12:29 PM

Welcome to the board. As a newcomer to this forum you will soon discover that people who frequent it are from all over the country and abroad ie, Australia, US of A, Portugal and even London This board is the perfect place for advice.... either search through the archives or just post your question

chrisg - 28/8/03 at 06:54 PM

Stacks of Indys in west/south Yorkshire mate, come to the next Yorks meeting at Ackworth Nr Pontifract on the of 10th september - 7.30pm.



j30fos - 28/8/03 at 09:05 PM

Hi If the weekend after next is the 6th sept :-) then Im picking my deluxe indy up then, so you can see what its like, Im fitting an R1 engine, got it powder coated and got two hoops instead of the usual rollbar. Im in Bolton.

Im down there tomorrow dropping the R1 motor off to get the craddle made.