I got some 15" wheels from ebay. They have an offset of 40 does the 2mm matter compared to the recommended ET38 or will I need spacers?
Also, the handbrake cable on one side pulls through the hole in the chassis. Do I need a washer on it as the other side has the plastic nut thing
Thanks Paul
Usually the end without the plastic adjuster nut has a shaped sleeve that sits in a retaining tube on the chassis. You definitely need to secure the
outer tube somehow else the handbrake will only work on one side.
Personally I wanted the plastic nut adjusters on both sides so got two cables, cut them in half and used the adjustable bit for both sides of the
IMO, don't worry about the 2mm - it won't be enough to make any difference.
Personally I wanted the plastic nut adjusters on both sides so got two cables, cut them in half and used the adjustable bit for both sides of the car...