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It runs!!
geoffe - 29/9/07 at 05:27 PM

Spits, grumbles etc. but it runs. Lovely feeling; need to take a serious look at the timing and balance the webers but it does sound great.

Many thanks to Chris Taylor for coming up with the re-con engine and delivering it! I've been on this forum for years and still haven't mastered uploading pics or got myself an avatar yet. Must try harder!

Marlon - 29/9/07 at 05:39 PM

Well done that man! Such a great feeling when your motor first fires into life.


Avoneer - 29/9/07 at 07:07 PM

Well done.

I've got a carb balancer if you need to borrow one.

It's on loan to a bloke in Bradford at the mo, but hoping to pick it up soon.


chris taylor - 29/9/07 at 07:17 PM

Hi Geoffe

great news fella, glad to here it's going well,


geoffe - 30/9/07 at 09:15 AM

Thanks guys,

I've got a balancer Pat, but your offer appreciated. Off now for another tweak!

jacko - 30/9/07 at 07:20 PM

Congratulations on getting it started
How about some upto date photos lets all have a look at the beast

jabbahutt - 2/10/07 at 07:03 AM

great news! congratulations, it's a fantastic feeling when it first runs