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george1980 - 24/2/08 at 09:12 PM

My beloved mk indy r caught fire today and now i just have one wheel left and a rusty old frame, Rescued attachment dsc0060-075.JPG
Rescued attachment dsc0060-075.JPG

george1980 - 24/2/08 at 09:13 PM

i'll load a pick of it's current state tommoro

Richard Quinn - 24/2/08 at 09:19 PM

Gutted for you! What happened?

cloudy - 24/2/08 at 09:19 PM


How did it start?

zilspeed - 24/2/08 at 09:19 PM

Commiserations, whatever happened.

graememk - 24/2/08 at 09:22 PM

please tell us more

Hellfire - 24/2/08 at 09:24 PM

Hope no-one got burnt......


george1980 - 24/2/08 at 09:28 PM

don't no really just driving down the road and flames shot up though the bonnet and into back of the dash, i managed to get out in with out any burns luckley, grabed my fire exstingusher but it wasn't big enough, by the time the fire brigade got there the car had burn't it self out, even melted the alloy wheels apart from one, pannicked a bit at the time as i couldn't get the harnesses of my shoulders because i had two coats on, nemind,got to phone insurance tommoro and give them the bad news

graememk - 24/2/08 at 09:29 PM

where did it happen mate ?

george1980 - 24/2/08 at 09:34 PM

it happened about 500 yards from my house grea so the nieghbours have had some entertainment

Confused but excited. - 24/2/08 at 09:41 PM

Real bummer mate!
Glad you are OK though.

locoR1 - 24/2/08 at 09:47 PM

Gutted I really feel for you
That was a very nice looking car.


bigrich - 24/2/08 at 09:49 PM

God i bet that was a bit scarey,
I can imagine your a bit pi55ed off at the moment but at least your ok.
Hope the insurance sorts it out quickly for you


BenB - 24/2/08 at 09:52 PM

On the upside you get to build a new, even better car!!!!

RK - 24/2/08 at 09:58 PM

Very disappointing! I have pics of your machine saved on my comp for inspiration for my own, which is a long ways from finished. You'll recover!!!

andrews_45 - 24/2/08 at 09:59 PM

gutted for you. is the chassis salvageable? i have a few bits perhaps between the locost community we can all donate a few bits to get you back up and running...

onzarob - 24/2/08 at 09:59 PM

Glad you got out ok, its suprising how quickly a car burns out

A freind had a MGB do the same, she said the fire brigade just made sure the area was safe and let the car burn

matt.c - 24/2/08 at 10:04 PM

I feel for you.

Mr Whippy - 24/2/08 at 10:47 PM

that's awful

make sure you get plenty from the insurance

tegwin - 24/2/08 at 11:09 PM

Thats terrible!

Im glad you got out ok....The car can be can not be!

Simon - 25/2/08 at 01:11 AM

Don't know what to say really, apart from the obvious that only your pride has been dented, and no physical injury.

Mighty upsetting I'd imagine!



worX - 25/2/08 at 06:21 AM

Just to reiterate others comments - Gutted for you, but at least you are ok!


jabbahutt - 25/2/08 at 08:21 AM

sorry to hear about the car, it must of been a real fright.
Main thing is you are okay, hopefully the insurance company won't muck you about too much.

Mr Whippy - 25/2/08 at 08:36 AM

I don't think the chassis could be reused due to distortion from the heat, but what about the roll cage? Surely that is ok?

If I were you I'd strip what you can clean it and put aside I'm sure you'll find quite a lot of parts did make it.

Don't loose heart, build it again.

coozer - 25/2/08 at 09:34 AM

Not a good sign. Glad to see your OK. Are you going to investigate the cause so we may have a lesson learned?

MikeR - 25/2/08 at 10:46 AM

Be careful stripping a burnt car, i've heard the plastics used in cars turn into a very strong acid when they've been heated in a car fire.

Not sure about the stuff we use - but just be careful, after surviving the fire i'd hate to hear you where hurt rebuilding it.

Mr Whippy - 25/2/08 at 11:00 AM

Originally posted by MikeR
Be careful stripping a burnt car, i've heard the plastics used in cars turn into a very strong acid when they've been heated in a car fire.

Not sure about the stuff we use - but just be careful, after surviving the fire i'd hate to hear you where hurt rebuilding it.

that's a good point, I read in a manual that some types of silicon rubber changes into a nasty corrosive sticky stuff that require amputation to stop it burning away!!!! just like in Alien

iank - 25/2/08 at 11:09 AM

hydrofluoric acid nasty stuff - it absorbs through the skin and goes to work on your bones.

It also dissolves glass so is the stuff used for etching.

p.s Sorry to say that as the car will be written off as fire damaged nothing will be able to be reused/rebuilt anyway.

[Edited on 25/2/08 by iank]

speedyxjs - 25/2/08 at 01:10 PM

Thats awful but at least you live to build again

mackei23b - 25/2/08 at 02:41 PM

Bad news idead.

Sorry to hear about that, however glad you are OK.

phoenix70 - 25/2/08 at 03:04 PM

Glad to hear noone was hurt, but must have been hard watching her burn. Any idea's what happened to cause the fire?

Time to build another I suppose



Monkeybasher - 25/2/08 at 03:57 PM

Gutted for you bud at least nobody was hurt. Couple of years ago my mitsubishi evo caught fire on the bypass doing 80-90. I was devastated, to be honest still gutted about it. Same thing burnt to a crisp by the time the fire brigade got there.


colt_mivec - 25/2/08 at 06:27 PM

Any pictures yet

ch1ll1 - 25/2/08 at 09:51 PM

its a bit late,
but sorry to here that sad news,

Fozzie - 25/2/08 at 10:15 PM

Ooooo bad news indeed George..but as said, cars can be replaced, you good news that you are unhurt.....

Totally of no use to George now, but I think worth mentioning........

(rant)...... It really amazes me that a lot of you guys will spend so much care, attention, time and money, plus the blood,sweat and tears to build your cars, yet very few incorporate a plumbed in fire system in your builds...

They really are not that expensive, compared to the potential loss of your hard work/pride and joy.... not to mention damage/life threatening damage to YOURSELVES!!

A Lifeline system from Rally Design and such places.....around the 100 squid mark, give or take a few £'s, for a 2 nozzle jobbie. That's one (nozzle) in the cockpit and one (nozzle) pointed at the carbs.

The hand-held ones are ok for the cockpit, but NO good for engine fires.......
rant over.....

I hope that you discover the cause of your fire George, and that the insurance doesn't take too long...keep us posted....


edited to correct typos!

[Edited on 26-2-08 by Fozzie]

mangogrooveworkshop - 29/2/08 at 11:19 AM

Sorry to hear of this loss.

If it went up quick it usually is a petrol supply pipe blowing off or splitting sending fuel onto hot exhausts ect
This is made worse by the electric fuel pump.......

The electrical fires tend to take a while to get going and give a smokey warning first
As foz says perhaps a lifeline system would be a good investment....

A group buy perhaps?

iscmatt - 18/3/08 at 06:04 PM

was there some pics on the way? I feel a bit harsh asking for photos but it would be interesting to see what happens when it goes up. would be a good warning / eye opener / mind thinker if people could see the aftermath.

Any thoughts on what you are going to do? re-build etc?
